Workforce Excellence


Focus on Employee Development & Well- Being Enhance our El Dorado County Leadership Academy and provide an annual summary to the Board of Supervisors Human Resources Ongoing
  Create a comprehensive employee recognition program Chief Administrative Office, Human Resources Spring 2024
  Continue to implement wellness initiatives and activities for El Dorado County employees Human Resources Ongoing
  Begin informal brown bag lunches/coffee led by the Chief Administrative Officer, with special guests from the community Chief Administrative Office Summer 2024
Enhance Employee Retention Attract and retain the best employees by providing competitive compensation, training, and advancement opportunities, and creating a positive and thriving culture Chief Administrative Office, Human Resources, All County Departments Ongoing
  Explore best practices and opportunities to assist employees in achieving a work/life balance Chief Administrative Office, Human Resources Winter 2024
Perform Data Collection & Reporting Conduct countywide surveys to assist in making informed countywide workforce decisions by understanding employee priorities Chief Administrative Office, Human Resources Spring 2024
  Initiate a review of all Human Resources policies and procedures  Human Resources Ongoing
  Improve exit survey process to better understand and assess the reasons for staff attrition  Human Resources Summer 2024