You should contact any public services district which has jurisdiction over your project site, such as local school and fire districts which often assess development fees prior to processing applications for building permits. If the property is within the architecturally controlled area of El Dorado Hills CSD or Cameron Park CSD, architectural approval of the plans from the district prior to permit issuance is a requirement. Failure to obtain approval may delay issuance of your permit. Finally, check with your individual association for any restrictions (e.g., C.C. & R’s) that may affect your project. Neither Planning nor Building Services enforce association restrictions. As such, it is your responsibility to insure compliance.
Local Agency Formation Committee (LAFCO)
(530) 295-2707
Reviews and approves proposed incorporations of new cities, the formation of new special districts, and consolidations, mergers, and dissolutions of existing districts. Additionally, LAFCO reviews and approves contractual service agreements, determines spheres of influence for each city and district, and may initiate proposals involving district consolidation and dissolution.
Fire Districts
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
(916) 445-8200
El Dorado County Fire Protection District
(530) 644-9630
The Fire District reviews for adequate fire protection access, hydrant location(s), protection systems, water availability, and hazardous material storage and waste disposal.
If your project site is not served by County Fire, contact your local fire district for information. For more information, including contacts, visit
Cameron Park Fire Department
(530) 677-6190
Diamond Springs - El Dorado Fire Protection District
(530) 626-3190
El Dorado Hills Fire Department
(916) 933-6623
Fallen Leaf Fire Department
(530) 542-1343
Garden Valley Fire Protection District
(530) 333-1240
Georgetown Fire Department
(530) 333-4111
Lake Valley Fire Protection District
(530) 577-3737
Latrobe Fire Protection District
(530) 677-6366
Meeks Bay Fire Protection District
(530) 525-7548
Mosquito Fire Protection District
(530) 626-9017
Pioneer Fire Protection District
(530) 620-4444
Rescue Fire Protection District
(530) 677-1868
South Lake Tahoe Fire Department
(530) 542-6163
El Dorado Irrigation District (EID)
(530) 622-4513
This agency may provide water and/or sewer service to your project. If you do require their services, you must submit an application to the District requesting a Facilities Improvement letter (FIL).
Georgetown Divide Public Utility District (GDPUD)
(530) 333-4356
This agency may provide irrigation and domestic water supplies and/or on-site wastewater disposal if your project is located in the Georgetown Divide area.
Grizzly Flats Community Services District
(530) 622-9626
The District has the responsibility of providing treated water for domestic use and fire protection to the residents within its service area.
Other Agencies
El Dorado County Office of Education
(530) 295-2202
School districts are authorized by state law to levy a development fee on new construction for the purpose of paying their required share of school building construction. The fee is levied based on the square footage of residential and commercial/industrial building that takes place in the districts.
El Dorado County and Georgetown Divide Resource Conservation Districts
(530) 295-5630
Resource Conservation Districts are grassroots government organizations that advise and assist individual landowners and public agencies in planning and implementation of conservation practices for the protection, restoration, or development of land, water, and related natural resources.