Scenic Corridor Ordinance

Scenic Corridor Ordinance

General Plan Policy requires that a "Scenic Corridor Ordinance shall be prepared and adopted for the purpose of establishing standards for the protection of identified scenic local roads and State highways."

In September 2008, the Planning Commission released a Public Review Draft Scenic Corridor Ordinance. In October 2010, the Board directed that further work on the Scenic Corridor Ordinance be deferred until after completion of the Zoning Ordinance Update (ZOU). The ZOU was completed in 2015 with the Board's adoption of the ZOU on December 15, 2015.

On August 16, 2016, the Board of Supervisors held a workshop to discuss this General Plan policy and related General Plan policies, goals, objectives and implementation measures. Staff provided the Board with a memo and presentation that provided background information and framework for development of a Scenic Corridor Ordinance. The Board directed staff to prepare a Scenic Corridor Ordinance building upon the 2008 draft ordinance, and to develop implementation standards and guidelines. The Board also provided preferred criteria for Designated Scenic Corridors.

On November 10, 2016, staff presented the Planning Commission with the same presentation given to the Board on August 16, 2016. Following the presentation, the Planning Commission discussed their thoughts on which ridgelines to be considered for potential impacts on visual resources, content to include in implementation standards and guidelines, and how to apply the Ordinance to ministerial development.

The staff memos and presentations for both the Board workshop on August 16, 2016 and the Planning Commission meeting on November 10, 2016 are posted on the County's online agenda to Legistar File No. 16-0760.

Please note: These agenda items may not reflect the most current information and are subject to change. For the latest information on agenda items related to this project, refer to the County online agenda calendar on Legistar.