Official Final Summary Report (12/03/24 10:50 AM) (link(PDF, 252KB))

Important Links
Voter Registration
Important Locations
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions Guide (link(PDF, 158KB))
El Dorado County Supported Languages
El Dorado County supports English and Spanish languages countywide, and two precincts with Chinese language. Voting Precincts in which a Chinese facsimile ballot is provided in are: 104-02 and 112-04. If you would like to know if you are located in one of these precincts please contact our office. We make every effort to have a fluent speaker available at all vote centers.
You may vote at any vote center. If no fluent speaker is available, an election official can call a LanguageLine translator. You also may bring up to two people to help you with voting, as long as they are not agents of your employer or union.
If you lost, discarded or didn’t receive your ballot, you can request one in the mail please call, email or send a written request no later than seven days before Election Day.
El Condado de El Dorado admite los idiomas inglés y español en todo el condado, y dos distritos admiten el idioma chino. Los Recintos Electorales de Votación en los que se proporciona una boleta traducida en chino son: 104-02 y 112-04. Si desea saber si se encuentra en uno de estos distritos, comuníquese con nuestra oficina. Hacemos todo lo posible para que haya un persona disponible que hable con fluidez en todos los centros de votación.
Puede votar en cualquier centro de votación. Si no hay ninguna persona disponible que hable con fluidez, un funcionario electoral puede llamar a un traductor de LanguageLine. También puede traer hasta dos personas para que le ayuden a votar, siempre y cuando no sean agentes de su empleador o sindicato.
Si perdió, descartó o no recibió su boleta, puede solicitar una por correo llamando, enviando un correo electrónico o una solicitud por escrito a más tardar siete días antes del Día de las Elecciones.
El Dorado郡在全郡範圍內提供英語和西班牙語支持,並在兩個選區中提供中文支持。提供摹本選票的投票區是第104-02和第112-04選區。如果想了解您是否位於這些選區之一,請與我們的辦公室聯絡。我們會盡一切努力在所有投票中心安排可流利交談的發言人。
Election Observer Plan
Election Observer Panel Plan (link(PDF, 340KB)).
One Percent Manual Tally Notice
In accordance with Elections Code § 15360, the Elections Department will randomly select one percent of Election Day Vote Center batched and one percent of vote by mail ballot batches and conduct a manual tally of those ballots. Original notice posted in the Mountain Democrat.
**UPDATED**When: Wednesday, November 13, 2024, at 11:00 AM
Location: El Dorado County Elections Office
3883 Ponderosa Road, Shingle Springs, CA 95682
Notice (link(PDF, 291KB))
Town Hall Presentation
Did you miss the Town Hall Meeting on August 28th, but want to see the information that was covered? We've provided a link to the Presentation Slides (link(PDF, 252KB)).
Our Mission
- Provide the opportunity and the means for participation in the election process.
- Be effective, efficient and responsive to voter and candidate needs through continuous improvement.
- Achieve open communication through teamwork and a spirit of goodwill.
- Support educational and training opportunities to produce quality work.
- Ensure legal requirements are met and applied consistently.
- Work together to pursue and achieve excellence.
Hot News
Our headquarters is open to the public. We are located at 3883 Ponderosa Road, Shingle Springs, CA 95682
If you have questions about the Elections process, please email us at
Contact Us
8:00am - 5:00pm
Monday - Friday
(Closed on County Holidays)
Elections Department
3883 Ponderosa Rd
Shingle Springs, CA 95682
Mailing Address: PO Box 678001, Placerville, CA 95667
(ballot drop-box located in parking lot)
Local Number: (530) 621-7480
Fax: (530) 677-1014
From El Dorado Hills: (916) 358-3555 x7480
From South Lake Tahoe: (530) 573-7955 x7480
Active Party Count
Last updated 10/21/24
Republican: 56,812 (~ 42%) - Democratic: 41,030 (~ 30%) - No Party Preference: 25,931 (~ 19%) - American Independent: 7,780 (~ 6%) - Libertarian: 2,672- Green: 633 - Peace and Freedom: 442
Total Active Voters:135,300