Surveyor Frequently Asked Questions

Addressing Program Questions

The Addressing and Road Naming Program is responsible for assigning addresses to provide a uniform numbering system in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of those who live and work in the County. Such a system enhances the ability of emergency vehicles to respond rapidly to calls, provides for an orderly election process expedites postal and other delivery services and eliminates confusion and error in locating businesses and residences.

Why do I need an address?

Addresses are assigned to provide a uniform numbering system to protect the health, welfare and safety of those who live and work in the County. Such a system enhances the ability of emergency vehicles to respond rapidly to calls, provides for an orderly election process, expedites postal and other delivery services and eliminates confusion and error in locating businesses and residences.

How do I get an address for a Building Permit?

Part of the Building Permit Application Process is to submit a site/plot plan(PDF, 23KB) . You will be issued an address after you submit your site plan to the Building Department. Note: if the parcel is in a subdivision, it should be pre-addressed. In that case you do not need to submit a site plan. You should contact our office at (530) 621-5440 or email the Surveyor's Office at to obtain the address.

I was notified that my address may be incorrect or is out of sequence with my neighbors.

Contact our office with the information that you have, especially your neighbors' addresses on both sides of you and across the street, including their driveway locations. You can also send a " Site Plan(PDF, 23KB) ".

What is required to name a road?

If you are going to build on an unnamed road and the road serves two or more parcels, it should be named. There is a road name petition included in the document "Information Sheet For Naming A Private Or County Road(PDF, 231KB) ". You need to obtain signatures of approval from 51% of the owners of parcels that front the road to be named. Be sure to contact our office with your list of possible road names so we can screen and tentatively approve them prior to the Fire Department and Post Office approvals. There is a different application for naming roads as a result of a land division(PDF, 249KB) .

The street sign is missing. Who will put a new one up?

Private road signs are the responsibility of the homeowners. If one is missing, obtain a copy of the “Street Sign Design Standards(PDF, 47KB) ” and contact a private sign company to order a new sign. If the road is County Maintained, contact our office so we can notify the proper department to replace the sign.


Land Survey Program Questions

What does your office charge to survey my property?

The County of El Dorado Surveyor’s Office does not survey private property. You will need to contact a Professional Land Surveyor (or Civil Engineer Registered prior to 1982) licensed by the State Board of Registration. Most Land Surveyors in private practice are listed in the local Yellow Pages or click on the following lists.

List of Surveyors - California Land Surveyors Association

Surveyor Look-Up - California State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors

How can I tell if my property has ever had monuments set?

Lots in Subdivisions and parcels of Parcel Maps are usually monumented by the Professional Land Surveyor at the time the division occurred. If you have a metes and bounds description (The division occurred by a deed rather than a map) you need to read the deed to see if monuments are called for in the description.

How do I locate my property corners?

To ensure that all monuments are in the proper location you need to contact a Professional Land Surveyor (or Civil Engineer Registered prior to 1982) licensed by the State Board of Registration. Most Land Surveyors in private practice are listed in the local Yellow Pages or click on the following lists.

Private Land Surveyors(PDF, 174KB)  - This list is compiled of local surveyors that have requested to have their contact information provided to the public.

Surveyor Look-Up - California State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors

Membership Listing - Surveyors Architects Geologists and Engineers of El Dorado County

How do I start the process of splitting my property?

Contact County of El Dorado Planning Services to verify that your land is zoned properly to divide. If the answer is yes, then you will need to contact a Professional Land Surveyor (or Civil Engineer Registered prior to 1982) licensed by the State Board of Registration.

One of my property corners is missing. How do I get it reset?

The property corners have to be reset by a Professional Land Surveyor (or Civil Engineer Registered prior to 1982) licensed by the State Board of Registration. Most Land Surveyors in private practice are listed in the local Yellow Pages or click on the following lists.

Private Land Surveyors(PDF, 174KB)  - This list is compiled of local surveyors that have requested to have their contact information provided to the public.

Surveyor Look-Up - California State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors

Can you recommend a private land Surveyor to me to survey my property?

We cannot recommend one surveyor over another. Professional Land Surveyors are licensed by the State Board of Registration and are able to practice anywhere in the state. Most Land Surveyors in private practice are listed in the local Yellow Pages or click on the following lists.

Private Land Surveyors(PDF, 174KB)  - This list is compiled of local surveyors that have requested to have their contact information provided to the public. 

Surveyor Look-Up - California State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors

How much will it cost me in fees to process my land division?

We can only address the fees associated with the County of El Dorado Surveyor’s Office. Other departments also have fees connected with a division of land. We have a map check fee for parcel maps and final maps (subdivisions). We also have a road petition fee that is generally associated with a land division. Please refer to our “Map Checking Fee Schedule(PDF, 107KB) ” for the actual fee.

How long does it take for your department to process my land division?

It depends on our workload at the time your surveyor submits your map for map check. In general, it takes us approximately 3 to 4 weeks to process the first check on a map. Most survey maps take a minimum of two map checks.

When will my property taxes have to be paid?

Your property taxes will have to be prepaid before your map can be recorded with the County of El Dorado Recorder's Office.

What is a lien date and how does it affect the costs involved with my land division?

The lien date on any parcel is January 1st of each year. The Subdivision Map Act, paraphrased, explains that before you can record your map with the County of El Dorado Recorder's Office, the County of El Dorado Tax Collector must sign a statement that there are no liens against the parcel or any part thereof for unpaid state, county, municipal or local taxes. See section 66492 of the Subdivision Map Act.

How can I tell where my easements are located?

Easements are usually shown on the map of your property unless granted by a deed after the map has been recorded. If the easement was created by a deed you will need to refer to the description in the deed. Another source of information is your title report, look it over to see how they have described the different easements. Public Utilities Easements may also cross your property in which case you may be able to call the appropriate utility company for information. If you are under construction and just trying to find where existing utilities are, call the "Underground Service Alert" at 1-800-227-2600 before you dig.

My neighbor has built his fence on my property. What can your department do for me?

Since property disputes are a civil matter between the parties, we can only suggest the following. First verify the encroachment by contacting a Professional Land Surveyor (or Civil Engineer Registered prior to 1982) licensed by the State Board of Registration. Secondly try to contact your neighbor to work it out between yourselves. Thirdly you may need to contact an Attorney.

I would like to get rid of an easement on my property, how do I accomplish this?

If the easement is a public easement offered to the County of El Dorado you will need to do an "Abandonment of Easement" through the County Surveyor's Office. If the easement is shown but not offered to the County on a Parcel Map then a “Map Amendment for Parcel or Subdivision Map” may be needed.


Geographic Information Systems (G.I.S) Questions

The Geographic Information Systems Program is responsible for designing, developing, and delivering maps, apps, and data to the county departments, outside agencies, and the general public. From tabular data sets we create maps and create tabular data sets from maps. Many members of the public do not know that this resource exists.  If you are interested in maps or data, please contact the Surveyor's Office at (530) 621-5440 or our email us at 

Where is G.I.S. located?

G.I.S. is located in the Surveyor's Department at the main County of El Dorado Government Center:

Surveyor’s Department
360 Fair Lane, Bldg. B
Placerville, CA. 95667

How do I contact the G.I.S. division?

You can contact the Surveyor's Office at or by phone at (530) 621-5440.

You may also come into our office located in the Surveyor's Department:

Surveyor’s Department
360 Fair Lane, Bldg. B
Placerville, CA. 95667

What services does G.I.S. provide?

We provide application support, general assistance, GIS addressing, GIS parcel base, mapping and analysis.

What fees are required?

There are time and material fees. We bill at $116.00/hour with a one-hour minimum for all new work. Reprints of existing maps have a set-up fee of $25.00 plus the costs of the paper. Paper map costs are determined based on size and range from $1.00 to $10.00 per copy. Data extracts and reports always incur at least a one-hour minimum plus the cost of the medium. CD/DVD and other recording media vary from $1.00 to $9.00. See our "Geographic Information System Fee Schedule(PDF, 107KB) " for other related fees.

What data is available?

There is a wide variety of data and maps available upon request and typically a fee will be applied. These data are not available for download from the Internet, but there are GIS clip and extract capabilities at If you are looking for custom maps or the data you are looking for is not available, contact us:

How long does it take to complete a project?

That depends on the complexity and level of detail required. Please call for an estimate.

How long do you keep completed projects?

All projects are done on a one-time delivery basis only. We do back-up and archive our work where feasible and have recovered projects as old as five years, but we do not guarantee the availability of a project or its required data to be available after the initial delivery.