Minimum Setback Requirements

To protect water supply sources, surface water, and the proper function of a septic system, it is important to meet certain setbacks. Please refer to the following tables.


Leach Lines

From ephemeral (seasonal) stream/swale
50 feet
From flowing stream 100 feet
From well, spring, lake, or pond 100 feet
From lake or reservoir used for drinking water 200 feet
From trees
5 feet
From lot lines, roads, driveways, or buildings 8feet
From a cut or fill (downgradient)
Four (4) times the cut or fill height
From a swimming pool
10 feet
Shall not be placed under asphalt, concrete, or under areas subject to vehicular traffic
Shall not be placed in fill material


Septic Tank

From house 5 feet
From any building
5 feet
From trees 5 feet
From lot lines, roads, or driveways 5 feet
From streams, springs, lakes, or reservoirs 50 feet
From well or spring used for domestic purposes
100 feet
From a swimming pool
5 feet
Shall not be installed in areas subject to high groundwater tables



Minimum horizontal separation distance between well and:
Any sewer line (sanitary, industrial, or storm; main or lateral) 50 feet
Watertight septic tank or subsurface sewage leaching field 100 feet
Cesspool or seepage pit 150 feet
Animal or fowl enclosure 100 feet
The above horizontal separation distances are generally considered adequate. Wells should be located outside areas of flooding. The top of the well casing shall terminate above grade and above known levels of flooding caused by drainage or runoff from surrounding land. Area drainage should be directed away from the well, and if necessary, the area around the well shall be built up so that the drainage moves away from the well.