Encroachment Permits

An Encroachment Permit is required for any work within an El Dorado County (County) maintained road easement or right-of-way per Chapter 12.08 of the County code of ordinances. Applicants have the options to apply using the Online Encroachment Permit Application Submittal Portal, directly in person at either the Placerville or South Lake Tahoe office front counter locations, or by email to contacts listed on webpage. 

All encroachment permits will abide by California Business and Professions Code Section 8771 (b).

El Dorado County Survey Monument Preservation Policy for CBPC 8771(PDF, 233KB)


Projects involving utility underground work (water, sewer, gas, cable, etc.) within the County right-of-way shall apply for a Utility Encroachment Permit. These types of projects are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Department of Transportation (DOT) with the utility company or applicant paying for at-cost review and inspection services to the County and DOT issuing the Utility Encroachment Permit after DOT approval. The utility company or consultant may contact DOT for either the west slope or Tahoe areas using the link below for information and permitting requirements.

Utility Right-of-Way Encroachment Permit Application Packet(Major / Minor / Blanket)(PDF, 430KB)

Financial Responsible Party Form(PDF, 93KB)  


Projects involving standard work or minor utility repairs/connections in the County right-of-way will require an Encroachment Permit from the Department of Transportation. Typical types of work requiring an Encroachment Permit are:

  • Residential driveways
    • Only on roads with speed limits > 25 MPH or Commercial properties. Driveway permits for connections to roads with speed limits of 25 MPH or less are issued by the Building Department.  
  • Obstructions within the right-of-way
  • Landscaping features within right-of-way

Standard Roadway Encroachment Permit Application(PDF, 384KB)

Additional Information