El Dorado County Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP)


Click here to view Draft Report(PDF, 35MB)

El Dorado County was recently awarded Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) grant funds to prepare a Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP) as part of its ongoing efforts to improve road safety by implementing safety countermeasures geared toward reducing the frequency and severity of roadway crashes. This Plan is intended to inform and guide a comprehensive, data-driven safety evaluation of the County’s transportation network, and help identify and prioritize future investments in traffic safety. The completion of the LRSP will allow the County to be eligible to apply for additional Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) and other grants to design and construct roadway safety improvements and implement non-engineering actions (i.e. enforcement, educational campaigns).

The County welcomes comments from the public on the [Draft] LRSP. This draft report(PDF, 35MB) presents the results of the crash data analysis, LRSP development process, stakeholder engagement, and identification of priority/emphasis areas and potential safety countermeasures.