Public Infrastructure






Enhance communication about funding and resources for facilities- related capital improvement plan (CIP) Create five year rolling CIP including new capital projects and deferred maintenance


Facilities Winter 2024
  Provide a project cost update, project prioritization and funding needs to the Board of Supervisors Facilities Annually, beginning Spring 2025
Create a long-term plan for the transition of leased facilities to County-owned facilities
Create a program inventory of departments/programs in leased facilities; identify funding source and associated constraints; and develop a long term plan for transitioning to County owned space Facilities Winter 2026
Complete the Parks Master Plan Guidance and review of Master Plan draft sections from Parks and Recreation Commission Chief Administrative Office, Parks Ongoing
   Presentation to the Board of Supervisors on the outcome of public outreach efforts Chief Administrative Office, Parks Spring 2024
  Plan completion and presentation to the Board of Supervisors for adoption Chief Administrative Office, Parks Spring 2024
Enhance communication about funding and resources for transportation-related capital improvement plans (CIP) Complete a needs assessment, project cost update, prioritization, and funding needs  Transportation Spring 2024
  Provide a project cost update, project prioritization and funding needs to the Board of Supervisors Transportation Annually, beginning Spring 2024


  New project determination / evaluation Transportation Ongoing
Implement Measure "S" Identify Oversite Committee (OC) priorities and funding, scope projects for equipment needs for following year, and share projects and program to OC for upcoming year Transportation, Stakeholders


Enhance Communication for Road Maintenance Present project scopes and project completions to the Board of Supervisors and public after coordinating project due diligence Transportation Annual Report
Information Technologies / Broadband
Implement Broadband Pilot Projects Conduct a review of the master plan; identify and secure funding sources; begin design/construction Transportation/ Economic Development Spring 2024