Secured Property Tax Dates to Remember
Take note of the following property tax deadlines so you don't miss important due dates. The following deadlines are broken into quarterly cycles annually.
First Quarter
- January 1 - Lien date, the date property taxes become a lien on the property. Filing begins on various exemptions.
- February 1 - Date 2nd installment of current fiscal year property taxes become due.
- February 15 - Final deadline for filing timely claims for Historical Aircraft exemptions.
- February 15 - Final deadline for filing timely claims for Welfare, Museum and Cemetery exemptions.
- February 15 - Final deadline for filing timely claims for Church and Religious exemptions.
- February 15 - Final deadline for filing timely claims for Homeowner's, Veteran's, and Blind or Disabled Veteran's exemptions
Pay Your Property Taxes
Second Quarter
- April 1 - Due date for filing Business Personal Property Statements, Apartment House Personal Property Statements, Mining and Quarrying Productions Reports, etc. This due date is set by the Assessor, and may vary.
- April 10 - Last day to pay 2nd installment of property taxes without penalty.
- July 1 - The date the Assessor turns the local assessment roll over to the Auditor. (May be extended 30 days). Start of the County's fiscal year.
Pay Your Property Taxes
Third Quarter
- July 1 – Oct. 15 - Period for filing claims for Senior Citizens Tax Assistance.
- July 2 – Nov. 30 - Period during which County Board of Equalization accepts applications for appealing property values on regular assessment roll.
Pay Your Property Taxes
Fourth Quarter
- Nov. 1 - Deadline for the Tax Collector to mail tax bills.
- Nov. 1 - Date 1st installment of current fiscal year property taxes become due.
- Dec. 10 - Final deadline for filing "late file" Homeowner's.
- Dec. 10 - Last day to pay 1st installment of property taxes without penalty.
- Dec. 10 - Final deadline to notify Assessor of ineligibility for Homeowner's exemption without penalty.
Pay Your Property Taxes