Smoke-Free Multi-Unit Housing

Secondhand smoke exposes you to serious health risks. According to the US Surgeon General, there is no safe level of secondhand smoke exposure. Even small amounts of smoke can cause disease and death. About 50,000 nonsmokers die every year from diseases caused by secondhand smoke (CDC).

People living in multiunit housing are particularly at risk of secondhand smoke exposure. Secondhand smoke can enter your smoke-free unit from neighboring units and shared areas. Secondhand smoke can cause:

  • heart disease
  • cancer
  • asthma
  • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder)

Thirdhand smoke is also known as “tobacco smoke residue” or “stale tobacco smoke”. The mixture of pollutants in thirdhand smoke is toxic to humans, children, and pets.

Resources for Landlords

Landords' Right to Make Properties Smokefree

California Civil Code section 1947.5 (ChangeLabSolutions)

Resources for Tenants

A roadmap of policy options to protect tenants from secondhand smoke

Smokefree Multi-Unit Housing (ChangeLabSolutions)

Exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) from burning tobacco products causes disease and premature death among people who do not smoke.

Secondhand Smoke (

Thirdhand smoke is also known as “tobacco smoke residue” or “stale tobacco smoke”

Thirdhand Smoke Resource Center

Legal Options for Tenants Suffering from Drifting Tobacco Smoke

Drifting Tobacco Smoke

How Disability Laws Can Help Tenants Suffering from Drifting Tobacco Smoke

Disability Law