Fire Safe Regulations


Title 14 Natural Resources
Division 1.5 Department of Forestry
Chapter 7 - Fire Protection
Subchapter 2 SRA Fire Safe Regulations
Fire Safe Regulations Booklet(PDF, 373KB)


1270.00.00 Title

These regulations shall be known as SRA Fire Safe Regulations, and shall constitute the basic wildland fire protection standards of the California Board of Forestry.


1270.01. Purpose

These regulations have been prepared and adopted for the purpose of establishing minimum wildfire protection standards in conjunction with building, construction and development in SRA. A local jurisdiction may petition the Board for certification pursuant to Section 1270.03. Where Board certification has not been granted, these regulations shall become effective September 1, 1991. The future design and construction of structures, subdivisions and developments in State Responsibility Area (SRA) shall provide for basic emergency access and perimeter wildfire protection measures as specified in the following articles. These measures shall provide for emergency access; signing and building numbering; private water supply reserves for emergency fire use; and vegetation modification. The fire protection standards which follow shall specify the minimums for such measures.


1270.02. Scope

These regulations do not apply to existing structures, roads, streets, and private lanes or facilities. These regulations shall apply as appropriate to all construction within SRA approved after January 1, 1991. Affected activities include but are not limited to:

(a) Permitting or approval of new parcels, excluding lot line adjustments as specified in Government Code(GC) Section 66412(d),

(b) application for a building permit for new construction, not relating to an existing structure,

(c) applications for a use permit,

(d) the siting of manufactured homes (manufactured homes are as defined by the National Fire Protection Association, National Fire Code, Section 501 A, Standard for Fire Safety Criteria for Manufactured Home installations, Sites and Communities, Chapter 1, Section 1-2, Definitions, page 4, 1987 edition and Health and Safety Code Sections 18007, 18008 and 19971),

(e) road construction, including construction of a road that does not currently exist, or extension of an existing road.

Exemption: Roads required as a condition of tentative parcel maps prior to the effective date of these regulations; roads for agricultural or mining use solely on one ownership; and roads used solely for the management and harvesting of wood products.

1270.03. Local Ordinances

Nothing contained in these regulations shall be considered as abrogating the provisions of any ordinance, rule or regulation of any state or local jurisdiction providing such ordinance, rule regulation or general plan element is equal to or more stringent than these minimum standards. The Board may certify local ordinances as equaling or exceeding these regulations when they provide the same practical effect.


1270.04. Provisions for Application of these Regulations

This subchapter shall be applied as follows:

(a) local jurisdictions shall provide the Director with notice of applications for building permits, tentative parcel maps, tentative maps, and use permits for construction or development within SRA.

(b) the Director shall review and make fire protection recommendations on applicable construction or development or maps provided by the local jurisdiction.

(c) the local jurisdiction shall ensure that the applicable sections of this subchapter become a condition of approval of any applicable construction of development permit or map.


1270.05. Inspection Authority

(a) Inspection shall be made pursuant to Section 1270.06 by:

(1) the Director, or

(2) local jurisdictions that have assumed state fire protection responsibility on SRA land, or

(3) local jurisdictions where these regulations have been implemented through that jurisdiction's building permit or subdivision approval process.

(b) Reports of violations shall be provided to the CDF Ranger Unit headquarters that administers SRA fire protection in that county .


1270.06. Inspections.

The inspection authority may inspect for compliance with these regulations. When inspections are conducted, they should occur prior to: the issuance of the use permit; certificate of occupancy; the recordation of the parcel map or final map; the filing of a notice of completion; or the final inspection of any project or building permit.


1270.07. Exceptions to Standards

Upon request by the applicant, exceptions to standards within this subchapter and mitigated practices may be allowed by the inspection authority, where the exception provide the same overall practical effect as these regulations towards providing defensible space.


1270.08. Request for Exceptions

Requests for an exception shall be made in writing to the inspection authority by the applicant or the applicant's authorized representative. The request shall state the specific section(s) for which an exception is requested, material facts supporting the contention of the applicant, the details of the exception or mitigating measure proposed, and a map showing the proposed location and siting of the exception or mitigation measure.


1270.09. Appeals

Where an exception is not granted by the inspection authority, the applicant may appeal such denial to the local jurisdiction. The local jurisdiction may establish or utilize an appeal process consistent with existing local building or planning department appeal processes. Before the local jurisdiction makes a determination on an appeal, the inspection authority shall be consulted and shall provide to that local jurisdiction documentation outlining the effects of the requested exception on wildland fire protection.

If an appeal is granted, the local jurisdiction shall make findings that the decision meets the intent of providing defensible space consistent with these regulations. Such findings shall include a statement of reasons for the decision. A written copy of these findings shall be provided to the CDF Ranger Unit headquarters that administers SRA fire protection in that county.


1271.00. Definitions

Accessory building:> Any building used as an accessory to residential, commercial, recreational, industrial, or educational purposes as defined in the California Building Code, 1989 Amendments, Chapter 11, Group M, Division 1 Occupancy that requires a building permit.

Agriculture: Land used for agricultural purposes as defined in a local jurisdiction's zoning ordinances.

Building: Any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use of occupancy that is defined in the California Building Code, 1989 Amendments, Chapter 11, except Group M, Division 1 , Occupancy. For the purposes of this subchapter, building includes mobile homes and manufactured homes, churches, and day care facilities.

CDF: California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.

Dead-end road: A road that has only one point of vehicular ingress/egress, including cul-de- sacs and looped roads.

Defensible space: The area within the perimeter of a parcel, development, neighborhood or community where basic wildland fire protection practices and measures are implemented, providing the key point of defense from an approaching wildfire or defense against encroaching wildfires or escaping structure fires. The perimeter as used in this regulation is the area encompassing the parcel or parcels proposed for construction and/or development, excluding the physical structure itself. The area is characterized by the establishment and maintenance of emergency vehicle access, emergency water reserves, street names and building identification, and fuel modification measures.

Development: As defined in Section 66418.1 of the California Government Code.

Director: Director of the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection or his/her designee.

Driveway: A vehicular access that serves no more than two buildings, with no more than three dwelling units on a single parcel, and any number of accessory buildings.

Dwelling unit: Any building or portion thereof which contains living facilities, including provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking and/or sanitation for not more than one family.

Exception: An alternative to the specified standard requested by the applicant that may be necessary due to health, safety, environmental conditions, physical site limitations or other limiting conditions such as recorded historical sites, that provide mitigation of the problem.

Fire valve: See hydrant.

Fuel modification area: An area where the volume of flammable vegetation has been reduced, providing reduced fire intensity and duration.

Greenbelts: A facility or land-use, designed for a use other that fire protection, which will slow or resist the spread of a wildfire. Includes parking lots, irrigated or landscaped areas, golf courses, parks, playgrounds, maintained vineyards, orchards or annual crops that do not cure in the field.

Hammerhead/T: A roadway that provides a "T" shaped, three-point turnaround space for emergency equipment, being no narrower that the road that serves it.

Hydrant: A valved connection on a water supply/storage system, having at least one 2 1/2 inch outlet, with male American National Fire Hose Screw Threads(NH) used to supply fire apparatus and hoses with water .

Local jurisdiction: Any county, city/county agency or department, or any locally authorized district that issues or approves building permits, use permits, tentative maps or tentative parcel maps, or has authority to regulate development and construction activity.

Occupancy: The purpose for which a building, or part thereof, is used or intended to be used.

One-way road: A minimum of one traffic lane width designed for traffic flow in one direction only.

Roads, streets, private lanes: Vehicular access to more than one parcel; access to any industrial or commercial occupancy; or vehicular access to a single parcel with more than two buildings or four or more dwelling units.

Roadway: Any surface designed, improved, or ordinarily used for vehicle travel.

Roadway structures: Bridges, culverts, and other appurtenant structures which supplement the roadway bed or shoulders.

Same practical effect: As used in this subchapter means an exception or alternative with the capability of applying accepted wildland fire suppression strategies and tactics, and provisions for fire fighter safety, including:

(a) access for emergency wildland fire equipment,

(b) safe civilian evacuation,

(c) signing that avoids delays in emergency equipment response,

(d) available and accessible water to effectively attack wildfire or defend a structure from wildfire, and

(e) fuel modification sufficient for civilian and fire fighter safety.

Shoulder: Roadbed or surface adjacent to the traffic lane.

State Board of Forestry (SBOF): A nine member board, appointed by the Governor, which is responsible for developing the general forest policy of the state, for determining the guidance policies of the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, and for representing the state's interest in federal land in California.

State Responsibility Area (SRA): As defined in the Public Resources Code Section 4126-4127; and the California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 1.5, Chapter 7, Article 1, Sections 1220-1220.5.

Structure: That which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner .

Subdivision: As defined in Section 66424 of the Government Code.

Traffic lane: The portion of a roadway that provides a single line of vehicle travel.

Turnaround: A roadway, unobstructed by parking, which allows for a safe opposite change of direction for emergency equipment. Design of such area may be a hammerhead/T or terminus bulb.

Turnouts: A widening in a roadway to allow vehicles to pass.

Vertical clearance: The minimum specified height of a bridge or overhead projection above the roadway.

Wildfire: As defined in Public Resources Code Section 4103 and 4104.


1271.05. Distance Measurements

All specified or referenced distances are measured along the ground, unless otherwise stated.


1272.00. Maintenance of Defensible Space Measures.

To ensure continued maintenance of properties in conformance with these standards and measures and to assure continue availability, access, and utilization of the defensible space provided for these standards during a wildfire, provisions for annual maintenance shall be included in the development plans and/or shall be provided as a condition of the permit, parcel or map approval.


Title 14, Division 1.5, Chapter 7, Subchapter 2, Articles 1-51273.03 Roadway Grades. The grade for all roads shall not exceed 16 percent.


  1. At elevations below 3,000 feet, the gradient may be up to 20% if areas of the driveway greater than 16% are paved with an all-weather surface which will support a 40,000 lb. Load (pavement or asphalt). Where the 20% gradient is exceeded, the 2001 California Fire Code, Article 9, 902.2.1 exception #2 shall apply: “When access roads cannot be installed due to location on property, topography, waterways, non-negotiable grades or other similar conditions, the chief is authorized to require additional fire protection as specified in Section 1001.9.” Section 1001.9 states “Where access for fire apparatus is unduly difficult, the chief is authorized to require additional safeguards.” Additional safeguards are listed in Section 1001.9 and shall be determined by the Local Chief/Fire Marshal in the Fire District in which the driveway is located.
  2. At elevations of 3,000 and above where the gradient exceeds 16%. The 2001 California Fire Code, Article 9, 902.2.1 exception #2 shall apply: “When access roads cannot be installed due to location on property, topography, waterways, non-negotiable grades or other similar conditions, the chief is authorized to require additional fire protection as specified in Section 1001.9.” Section 1001.9 states “Where access for fire apparatus is unduly difficult, the chief is authorized to require additional safeguards.” Additional safeguards are listed in Section 1001.9 and shall be determined by the Local Chief/Fire Marshal in the Fire District in which the driveway is located.

Adopted November 15, 2005 



Please contact your local fire district for information regarding fire safety requirements.


1274.00. Intent

To facilitate locating a fire and to avoid delays in response, all newly constructed or approved roads, street, and buildings shall be designated by names or numbers, posted on signs clearly visible and legible from the roadway. This section shall not restrict the size of letters of numbers appearing on street signs for other purposes.

COUNTY OF EL DORADO -DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS MANUAL II (Adopted May 27, 1986 by Resolution No.136-86 and Revised 5/18/90 by Resolution No.128-90) Reference Section 3.D.6 Building and Road Signs. Street signs: Street name signs of a type and construction approved by the County Engineer shall be placed at each intersection. Traffic control signs shall be placed where designated by the County Engineer. A sign at each access of a rural and minor land division reading, “This Road is not County Maintained”, shall be placed in a prominent location, and shall have 4-inch block letters -black on white background. Reference Standard Plan 105.b

El Dorado County Ordinance 15.04.060 Private Road and Naming procedure:
C. Upon notification of approval from the county surveyor, the initiating landowner(s) shall, within thirty days, coordinate and cause the installation of a permanent sign which is legible and clearly marks the location and the name of the affected road. Typically, the road sign shall be placed appropriately at the intersection of the two roads, however, additional signs shall be erected at locations where the road forks or any other points along the road where there is a need for road alignment clarification. Maintenance of road signs shall be the responsibility of all parcel owners fronting the road. The design, size or material of the sign shall comply with the El Dorado County Subdivision Design Manual.


1274.01. Size of Letters, Numbers and Symbols for Street and Roads Signs

Size of letters, numbers, and symbols for street and road signs shall be a minimum 3 inch letter height, 3/8 inch stroke, reflectorized, contrasting with the background color of the sign.

EL DORADO COUNTY -DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS MANUAL (Adopted May 27, 1986 by resolution No.136-86 and Revised 5/18/90 by Resolution No.128-90) Reference Standard Plan 105.b

El Dorado County Ordinance 15.04.040 -Assignment of house numbers.

A. House numbers shall only be assigned to residential subdivision lots, other residential properties improved with structures, commercial buildings, and industrial buildings. Every owner or occupant of the dwelling unit or their agent shall, within thirty days after assignment of the house number by the county, install permanently on the premises the number issued, subject to the following provisions.

B. All such numbers shall be placed in a horizontal sequence so as to be easily visible and legible from the road upon which the premises front. When the house is a substantial distance from a road, numbers shall be placed on a mailbox or post in a horizontal sequence, in a location adjacent to the driveway access intersection with the road. When the mailbox is on a road other than the road on which the premises front, then the house number and road name shall be clearly marked on the mailbox, to ensure proper mail delivery, and a post displaying the house number shall be installed adjacent to the driveway access intersection with the road.

C. The numbers shall be of a size not less than four inches in height, except on mailboxes, in which case the numbers shall be of a size which are readable from a distance of five feet, and displayed on a contrasting background.


1274.02. Visibility and Legibility of Street and Road Signs

Street and road signs shall be visible and legible from both directions of vehicle travel for a distance of at least 100 feet.

EL DORADO COUNTY- DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS MANUAL (Adopted May 27, 1986 by Resolution No.136-86 and Revised 5/18/90 by Resolution No.128-90) Reference Standard Plan 105.b


1274.03. Height of Street and Road Signs

Height of street and road signs shall be uniform county wide, and meet the visibility and legibility standards of this article.

EL DORADO COUNTY- DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS MANUAL (Adopted May 27, 1986 by Resolution No.136-86 and Revised 5/18/90 by Resolution No.128-90) Reference Standard Plan 105.b

1274.04. Names and Numbers on Street and Road Signs

Newly constructed or approved public and private roads and streets must be identified by a name or number through a consistent countywide system that provides for sequenced or patterned numbering and/or non-duplicating naming within each county. All signs shall be mounted and oriented in a uniform manner. This section does not require any entity to rename or renumber existing roads or streets, nor shall a roadway providing access only to a single commercial or industrial occupancy require naming or numbering.

COUNTY OF EL DORADO DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS MANUAL II (Adopted May 27, 1986 by Resolution No.136-86 and Revised 5/18/90 by Resolution No.128-90) Reference Section 3.E. Street Names: Street names and suffixes shall be designated by the subdivider, subject to the approval of the approving agency and in accordance with Ordinance No. 2021. The following agency shall review and approve street names for the appropriate Land Division.

  • Minor Land Division -----Planning Division-Community Development Department.
  • Major Land Division -------Planning Commission and/or Board of Supervisors.
  • El Dorado County Ordinance 15.04.060 Private Road and Naming procedure:

A. To name a private road, the initiating landowner who is only responsible for naming the road in which his structure will be addressed from, shall obtain a road name petition from the county surveyor. The landowner shall choose a proposed road name which does not duplicate or sound like any existing road name within the county. The county surveyor will provide pre-screening assistance to determine whether proposed road names are duplications or sound-alike. The landowner shall then obtain the signature of at least fifty-one percent of the parcel owners whose parcels front the private road being named whether or not the owners gain access from that road. In addition, the landowner shall obtain approval signatures from the agency responsible for fire protection and the post office responsible for mail delivery. In the event of dispute between said public agencies regarding road name selection, the county surveyor shall have final authority for road name approval.

B. After obtaining the necessary approval signatures, the landowner shall submit the road name petition to the county surveyor for approval together with the following:

1. Record map or appropriate assessors map(s) with the exact road alignment accurately plotted;
2. Applicable filing fee per fee schedule on file in the county surveyor's office.

C. Upon notification of approval from the county surveyor, the initiating landowner(s) shall, within thirty days, coordinate and cause the installation of a permanent sign which is legible and clearly marks the location and the name of the affected road. Typically, the road sign shall be placed appropriately at the intersection of the two roads, however, additional signs shall be erected at locations where the road forks or any other points along the road where there is a need for road alignment clarification. Maintenance of road signs shall be the responsibility of all parcel owners fronting the road. The design, size or material of the sign shall comply with the El Dorado County Sub-division Design Manual.


1274.05. Roads, Streets and Private Lanes

Signs required by this article identifying intersecting roads, streets and private lanes shall be placed at the intersection of those roads, streets, and/or private lanes.

COUNTY OF EL DORADO -DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS MANUAL II (Adopted May 27, 1986 by Resolution No.136-86 and Revised 5/18/90 by Resolution No.128-90) Reference Standard Plan Design #1 05.b

Reference Section 3.D.6 Building and Road Signs. Street signs: Street name signs of a type and construction approved by the County Engineer shall be placed at each intersection. Traffic control signs shall be placed where designated by the County Engineer. A sign at each access of a rural and minor land division reading, “This Road is not County Maintained”, shall be placed in a prominent location, and shall have 4-inch block letters --black on white background.

El Dorado County Ordinance 15.04.060 --Intersecting Roads.

C. Upon notification of approval from the county surveyor, the initiating landowner(s) shall, within thirty days, coordinate and cause the installation of a permanent sign which is legible and clearly marks the location and the name of the affected road. Typically, the road sign shall be placed appropriately at the intersection of the two roads, however, additional signs shall be erected at locations where the road forks or any other points along the road where there is a need for road alignment clarification. Maintenance of road signs shall be the responsibility of all parcel owners fronting the road. The design, size or material of the sign shall comply with the El Dorado County Sub-division Design Manual.


1274.06. Signs Identifying Traffic Access limitations

A sign identifying traffic access or flow limitations, including but not limited to weight or vertical clearance limitations, dead-end road, one-way road or single lane conditions, shall be placed:

(a) at the intersection preceding the traffic access limitation, and

(b) no more than 100 feet before such traffic access limitation.


1274.07. Installation of Road, Street and Private Lane Signs

Road, street and private lane signs required by this article shall be installed. prior to final acceptance by the local jurisdiction of road improvements.

El Dorado County Ordinance 15.04.080 -Land Division -Road naming procedure. A road name petition shall be filed with the county surveyor, using procedures set forth in Section 15.040.060 of this chapter, for all roads within final subdivision maps, planned developments, and parcel maps. The developer or subdivider shall be responsible for filing a separate road name petition for each and every road name within the development, whether or not the road is proposed to be a county road or a private road. (Ord. 3862 (part), 1988)


1274.08. Addresses for Buildings

All buildings shall be issued an address by the local jurisdiction which conforms to that jurisdiction's overall address system. Accessory buildings will not be required to have a separate address; however, each dwelling unit within a building shall be separately identified.

El Dorado County Ordinance 15.04.040 -Assignment of house numbers. House numbers shall only be assigned to residential subdivision lots, other residential properties improved with structures, commercial buildings, and industrial buildings. Every owner or occupant of a dwelling unit or their agent shall within thirty days after assignment of a house number by the county install permanently on the premises the number issued, subject to the following provisions:

A. Accessory buildings need not be numbered but, if located on a separate unit of frontage, may be assigned numbers if requested by the owner of proprietor of the principal establishment to which the building or buildings are accessory.


1274.09. Size of Letters, Numbers and Symbols for Addresses

Size of letters, numbers and symbols for addresses shall be a minimum 3 inch letter height, 3/8 inc stroke, reflectorized, contrasting with the background color of the sign.

El Dorado County Ordinance 15.04.040 -Assignment of house numbers.

C. The numbers shall be of a size not less than four inches in height, except on mailboxes, in which case the numbers shall be of a size which are readable from a distance of five feet, and displayed on a contrasting background.

D. Within thirty days of the effective date of the notice of number assigned, the owner of a dwelling unit or authorized agent then shall remove or obscure from public view any old or previous number not in accordance with the system.


1274.10. Installation, Location and Visibility of Addresses

(a) All buildings shall have a permanently posted address, which shall be placed at each driveway entrance and visible from both directions of travel along the road. In all cases, the address shall be posted at the beginning of construction and shall be maintained thereafter, and the address shall be visible and legible from the road on which the address is located.

(b) Address signs along one-way roads shall be visible from both the intended direction of travel and the opposite direction.

(c) Where multiple addresses are required at a single driveway, they shall be mounted on a single post.

(d) Where a roadway provides access solely to a single commercial or industrial business, the address sign shall be placed at the nearest road intersection providing access to that site.

El Dorado County Ordinance 15.04.040 -Assignment of house numbers. House numbers shall only be assigned to residential subdivision lots, other residential properties improved with structures, commercial buildings, and industrial buildings. Every owner or occupant of a dwelling unit or their agent shall within thirty days after assignment of a house number by the county install permanently on the premise the number issued, subject to the following provisions:

A. Accessory buildings need not be numbered but, if located on a separate unit of frontage, may be assigned numbers if requested by the owner of proprietor of the principal establishment to which the building or buildings are accessory.

B. All such numbers shall be placed in a horizontal sequence so as to be easily visible and legible from the road upon which the premises front. When the house is a substantial distance from a road,numbers shall be placed on a mailbox or post in a horizontal sequence, in a location adjacent to the driveway access intersection with the road. When the mailbox is on a road other than the road on which it fronts, then the house and road name shall be clearly marked on the mailbox, to ensure proper mail delivery, and a post displaying the house number shall be installed adjacent to the driveway access intersection with the road.

F. The procedure for obtaining a building permit shall require an applicant to submit a detailed site plan, showing the driveway intersection with the access road, which will be routed to the county surveyor for assignment of a house number. If the access road is not officially named for the purpose of addressing, the county surveyor shall notify the applicant in writing of the procedure for road naming pursuant to Section 15.04.060. Access roads shall be officially named for addressing purposes and a house number assigned prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. Prior to a request for final inspection, house number shall be permanently displayed as set forth in subsections, B, Click to return to the top of the pageC and D of this section. (Ord. 3862 (part), 1988)



1275.00. Intent

Emergency water for wildfire protection shall be available and accessible in quantities and locations specified in the statute and these regulations, in order to attack a wildfire or defend property from a wildfire. Such emergency water may be provided in a fire agency mobile water tender, or naturally occurring or man made containment structure, as long as the specified quantity is immediately available.

COUNTY OF EL DORADO -DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS MANUAL II (Adopted May 27, 1986 by Resolution No.136-86 and Revised 5/18/90 by Resolution No.128-90) Reference Section 6A and 6b Fire Protection Requirement (As revised 90-81). The following are considered minimum fire protection requirements and may be modified by the Planning Director with a favorable recommendation from the fire protection district. Such modification may include the increase or decrease of the minimum fire protection requirement standards dependent upon the unique needs of the servicing fire district.

A) Fire Protection Required

1) When a division of land (minor or major) is proposed and is within a fire protection district, the minimum fire protection requirements must be met, unless modified by agreement between the subdivider and structural fire protection district and wildland fire protection agencies.

2) When a major subdivision (no matter the size of the lots) is proposed, it shall be within a structural fire protection district.

3) A proposed minor land division creating parcels 9.0 acres or smaller shall be within a structural fire protection district.

4) If the proposed subdivision (major or minor) creating parcels 9.0 acres or smaller, or a commercial or industrial division is not within an existing fire protection district, one of the following shall occur:

a) annex to an existing fire protection district; or,

B) No fire Protection Required

1) When a minor land division is proposed and is creating parcels 9.0 acres or larger and is not within a fire district, but is located within the sphere of influence, minimum fire protection requirements shall not be required. However, review by the future fire protection district shall be required and comments shall be provided to the developer as comments only.

a) expand cleared rights-if-way and enlarge cul-de-sacs;
b) perform selective clearing so that fuel load 1evels are reduced; and,
c) other reasonable measures to protect structures in area where structural fire protection does not exist; i.e., if the land division is adjacent to existing water lines, it may be required to be extended for fire protection purposes.



1275.01. Application

The provisions of this article shall apply when new parcels are approved by a local jurisdiction. The emergency water system shall be available on-site prior to the completion of road construction, where a community water system is approved, or prior to the completion of building construction, where an individual system is approved.

COUNTY OF EL DORADO. DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS MANUAL II (Adopted May 27, 1986 by Reso1ution No.136-86 and Revised 5/18/90 by Resolution No.128-90) Reference Section 6A and 6B Fire Protection Requirement (As revised 9/81). The following are considered minimum fire protection requirements and may be modified by the Planning Director with a favorable recommendation from the fire protection district. Such modification may include the increase or decrease of the minimum fire protection requirement standards dependent upon the unique needs of the servicing fire district.

A) Fire Protection Required

1) When a division of land (minor or major) is proposed and is within a fire protection district, the minimum fire protection requirements must be met, unless modified by agreement between the subdivider and structural fire protection district and wildland fire protection agencies.

2) When a major subdivision (no matter the size of the lots) is proposed, it shall be within a structural fire protection district.

3) A proposed minor land division creating parcels 9.0 acres or smaller shall be within a structural fire protection district.

4) If the proposed subdivision (major or minor) creating parcels 9.0 acres or sma1ler, or a commercial or industria1 division is not within an existing fire protection district, one of the following shall occur:

a) annex to an existing fire protection district; or,

B) No fire Protection Required

1) When a minor land division is proposed and is creating parcels 9.0 acres or larger and is not within a fire district, but is located within the sphere of influence, minimum fire protection requirements shall not be required. However, review by the future fire protection district shall be required and comments shall be provided to the developer as comments only.

a) expand cleared right-of-ways and enlarge cul-de-sacs;
b) perform selective clearing so that fuel load levels are reduced; and,
c) other reasonable measures to protect structures in area where structural fire protection does not exist; i.e., if the land division is adjacent to existing water lines, it may be required to be extended for fire protection purposes.

C) Water Supply and Source Requirements for Fire Protection (Major and Minor Land Divisions, five (5) or more Parcels.) The supply system and source shall provide a minimum of 60,000 usable gallons of storage for 5 to 50 lots; 120,000 gallons for 51 to 100 lots; and 180,000 gallons for 100 or more lots. The water supply system and source shall be located at the direction of the Planning Director and based on comments received from the structural fire protection district.

1) Where water distribution systems are not available, the following will be considered by the structural fire protection district:

a) tanks;
b) reservoirs;
c) canals; and
d) other systems as may be approved by the structural fire protection district.

2) Any of the above water supplies, or combinations thereof, may be required by the Planning Director with a favorable recommendation from the structural fire protection agency having the responsibility in that area.

3) A facility for refilling fire trucks shall be provided for taking of water from the water supplies and shall conform to the standard drawings. The standard drawings may be modified by the fire protection district having the responsibility in that area where structural conditions require it.

4) Fire hydrant locations shall be approved by the Fire Chief of the district providing the service, under Article 10, Section 10.301 Uniform Fire Code.


1275.10. General Standards

Water systems that meet or exceed the standards specified in Public Utilities Commission of California (PUC) revised General Order #103, Adopted June 12, 1956 (Corrected September 7, 1983, Decision 83-09-001), Section VIII Fire Protection Standards and other applicable sections relating to fire protection water delivery systems, static water systems equaling or exceeding the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 1231, "Standard on Water Supplies for Suburban and Rural Fire Fighting", 1989 Edition, or mobile water systems that meet the Insurance Services Office (IS0) Rural Class 8, 2nd Edition 3-80, standard shall be accepted as meeting the requirements of this article. These documents are available at CDF Ranger Unit Headquarters.

Nothing in this article prohibits the combined storage of emergency wildfire and structural firefighting water supplies unless so prohibited by local ordinance or specified by the local fire agency.

Where freeze protection is required by local jurisdictions, such protection measures shall be provided. .

COUNTY OF EL DORADO -DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS MANUAL II (Adopted May 27, 1986 by Resolution No.136-86 and Revised 5/18/90 by Resolution No.128-90) Reference Section 6A, 6B and 6C Fire Protection Requirement (As revised 9/81)

The following are considered minimum fire protection requirements and may be modified by the Planning Director with a favorable recommendation from the fire protection district. Such modification may include the increase or decrease of the minimum fire protection requirement standards dependent upon the unique needs of the servicing fire district.

A) Fire Protection Required

1) When a division of land (minor or major) is proposed and is within a fire protection district, the minimum fire protection requirements. must be met, unless modified by agreement between the subdivider and structural fire protection district and wild1and fire protection agencies.

2) When a major subdivision (no matter the size of the lot) is proposed, it shall be within a structura1 fire protection district.

3) A proposed minor land division creating parcels 9.0 acres or smaller shall be within a structura1 fire protection district.

4) If the proposed subdivision (major or minor) creating parcels 9.0 acres or smaller, ora commercia1 or industrial division is not within an existing fire protection district, one of the following shall occur:

a) annex to an existing fire protection district: or,

B) No Fire Protection Required

1) When a minor land division is proposed and is creating parcels 9.0 acres or larger and is not within a fire district, but is located within the sphere of influence, minimum fire protection requirements shall not be required. However, review by the future fire protection district shall be required and comments shall be provided to the developer as comments only.

a) expand cleared right-of-ways and enlarge cul-de-sacs;
b) perform selective clearing so that fuel load levels are reduced; and,
c) other reasonable measures to protect structures in area where structural fire protection does not exist; i.e., if the land division is adjacent to existing water lines, it may be required to be extended for fire protection purposes.


1275.15. Hydrant/fire Valve

(a) The hydrant or fire valve shall be 18 inches above grade, 8 feet from flammable vegetation, no closer than 4 feet nor farther than 12 feet from a roadway, and in a location were fire apparatus using it will not block the roadway.

The hydrant serving any building shall:

(1) be not less than 50 feet nor more than 1/2 mile by road from the building it is to serve, and

(2) be located at a turnout or turnaround, along the driveway to that building or along the road that intersects with that driveway.

(b) The hydrant head shall be brass with 2 1/2 inch National Hose male thread with cap for pressure and gravity flow systems and 4 1/2 inch draft systems. Such hydrants shall be wet or dry barrel as required by the delivery system. They shall have suitable crash protection as required by the local jurisdiction.

COUNTY OF EL DORADO -DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS MANUAL II (Adopted May 27, 1986 by Resolution No.136-86 and Revised 5/18/90 by Resolution No.128-90) Reference Section 6C Fire Protection Requirement (As revised 9/81)

C) Water Supply and Source Requirements for Fire Protection (Major and Minor Land Division, Five (5) or more parcels.) The supply system and source shall provide a minimum of 60,000 usable gallons of storage for 5 to 50 lots; 120,000 gallons for 51 to 100 lots; and 180,000 gallons for 100 or more lots. The water supply system and source shall be located at the direction of the Planning Director and based on comments received from the structural fire protection district.

1) Where water distribution systems are not available, the following will be considered by the structural fire protection district:

a) tanks;
b) reservoirs;
c) canals; and
d) other systems as may be approved by the structural fire protection district.

2) Any of the above water supplies, or combinations thereof, may be required by the Planning Director with a favorable recommendation from the structural fire protection agency having the responsibility in that area.

3) A facility for refilling fire trucks shall be provided for taking of water from the water supplies and shall conform to the standard drawings. The standard drawings may be modified by the fire protection district having the responsibility in that area where structural conditions require it.

4) Fire hydrant locations shall be approved by the Fire Chief of the district providing the service, under Article 10,Section 10.301 Uniform Fire Code. Reference to Standard Plan Design #106


1275.20 Signing of Water Sources

Each hydrant/fire valve or access to water shall be identified as follows:

(a) If located along a driveway, a reflectorized blue marker, with a minimum dimension of 3 inches shall be located on the driveway address sign and mounted on a fire retardant post, or

(b) if located along a street or road,

(1) a reflectorized blue marker, with a minimum dimension of 3 inches, shall be mounted on a fire retardant post. The sign post shall be within 3 feet of said hydrant/fire valve, with the sign no less than 3 feet nor greater that 5 feet above ground, in a horizontal position and visible from the driveway, or

(2) as specified in the State Fire Marshal's Guidelines for Fire Hydrant Markings Along State Highways and Freeways, May 1988.



1276.00 Intent

To reduce the intensity of a wildfire by reducing the volume and density of flammable vegetation, the strategic siting of fuel modification and greenbelt shall provide

(1) increased safety for emergency fire equipment and evacuating civilians;

(2) a point of attack or defense from a wildfire.


1276.01 Setback for Structure Defensible Space

(a) All parcels 1 acre and larger shall provide a minimum 30 foot setback for buildings and accessory buildings from all property lines and/or the center of the road.

(b) For parcels less than 1 acre, the local jurisdiction shall provide for the same practical effect.


1276.02 Disposal of Flammable Vegetation and Fuels

Disposal, including chipping, burying, burning or removal to a landfill site approved by the local jurisdiction, of flammable vegetation and fuels caused by site development and construction, road and driveway construction, and fuel modification shall be completed prior to completion of road construction or final inspection of a building permit.


1276.03 Greenbelt

Subdivision and other developments, which propose greenbelt as a part of the development plan, shall locate said greenbelt strategically, as a separation between wildland fuels and structures. The locations shall be approved by the inspection.