EMS Trauma Plans
An EMS Plan is required by California's Health and Safety Code to encourage the systematic planning, organization, management and evaluation of local EMS systems. The County of El Dorado's EMS Plan was originally created in 1998 and revised in February 2000. It was developed using the State's EMS System Standards and Guidelines as a template, and approved by the State EMS Authority in June 2000. The latest annual update to our EMS Plan was submitted to the EMS Authority in March 2013. The EMS Plan also includes our 2012 Trauma Plan update which was adopted by the County Board of Supervisors in March 2013. Click on a link below to view either the 2012 EMS Plan Update or our 2012 Trauma Plan.
2012 EMS Plan Update(PDF, 1MB)
2012 Trauma Plan(PDF, 5MB)