Solid Waste Collection and Disposal


The following information is designed to address questions from residents of El Dorado County about garbage rates and waste management fees assessed on property within the County, and solid waste collection and disposal. 

Garbage Collection Franchise History

El Dorado County, the City of Placerville, and the City of South Lake Tahoe have entered into franchise agreements with solid waste companies, which provide solid waste collection, recycling, and disposal.

During the 1950's, garbage collection franchise areas were established within portions of the County, and private companies were issued exclusive contracts to haul garbage within these assigned areas. By evolution, exclusive contracts were deemed necessary to insure organized, cost effective, and efficient service throughout the County. In 1971, a "redistricting" of the franchise areas was passed by County Ordinance. The Ordinance created (7) distinct garbage collection areas or corridors based on such factors as road and bridge infrastructure, proximity to landfill sites, etc. These franchise areas remain in effect today. The Franchise companies and service areas are noted on the table below: The County, with the assistance of a consultant, has conducted a rate audit of three of the franchise companies. 

Solid Waste Collection Franchises

County of El Dorado has franchise agreements with Waste Connections of California, Inc., dba El Dorado Disposal Service, South Tahoe Refuse Company, Inc., dba South Tahoe Refuse, and Tahoe Truckee Disposal Company, Inc., dba Tahoe Truckee Sierra Disposal to provide solid waste collection, recycling, and disposal to residents of the County. Copies of the most recent agreements and any amendments are available:

Waste Connections of California, Inc., dba El Dorado Disposal

Address:  4100 Throwita Way, Placerville, CA 95667
Mailing Address:  PO Box 1270, Diamond Springs, CA 95619
Website: El Dorado Disposal Services
Customer service email:
Phone: (530) 626-4141

Areas Served:

  • West County - along Highway 50 Corridor (Pollock Pines west to El Dorado Hills), Placerville City Limits.
  • South County (Somerset, Grizzly Flats, Mt. Aukum).
  • North County (Coloma, Pilot Hill, Cool, Lotus, Georgetown, Garden Valley, Greenwood, Auburn Lake Trails)

Effective October 21, 2014, the County of El Dorado, Board of Supervisors (Board of Supervisors), approved a new franchise agreement with Waste Connections of California, Inc., dba el Dorado Disposal Service (El Dorado Disposal Service) to provide solid waste collection, recycling, and disposal to the residents in the unincorporated area of the west slope of El Dorado County.

Effective August 8, 2015, the Board of Supervisors (1) approved the First Amendment to El Dorado Disposal’s agreement consolidating the former Waste Connections of CA, Inc., dba Amador Disposal with the El Dorado Disposal Service franchise agreement; and (2) approved the Second Amendment to El Dorado Disposal’s agreement consolidating the former South Tahoe Refuse, Co., dba, Sierra Disposal Service with the El Dorado Disposal Service franchise agreement.

Effective December 12, 2017, the Board of Supervisors approved the Third Amendment to El Dorado Disposal’s agreement to provide for green waste cart collection service in Area B, solely to the community known as Grizzly Flats, from May through October each year beginning May of 2018.

Effective November 13, 2018, the Board of Supervisors approved the Fourth Amendment to El Dorado Disposal's agreement extending the term of the agreement.

Effective August 25, 2020, the Board of Supervisors approved the Fifth Amendment to El Dorado Disposal's agreement requiring customers to use compostable bags for the collection of green waste, various other changes related to green waste collection, and increased the County's surcharge on waste buried in an approved landfill.

Rates effective July 1, 2024(PDF, 723KB)

Tahoe Truckee Disposal, dba Tahoe Truckee Sierra Disposal

Phone: (530) 583-0148

Areas Served: Unincorporated portion of West Lake Tahoe Basin (including Meeks Bay and Tahoma)

Effective October 17, 2015, the County of El Dorado, Board of Supervisors, approved a new franchise agreement with Tahoe Truckee Disposal, dba Tahoe Truckee Sierra Disposal (Tahoe Truckee Sierra Disposal) to provide solid waste collection, recycling and disposal to the residents in the unincorporated area on the west shore of Lake Tahoe with the County of El Dorado.

South Tahoe Refuse

Address: 2140 Ruth Avenue, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
Phone: (530) 541-5105

Areas Served:  Unincorporated portion of South Lake Tahoe Basin, Meyers, Christmas Valley, Hope Valley, Pacific House, Crystal Basin, Kyburz, Strawberry, and Echo Summit.

Effective December 12, 2023, the County of El Dorado, Board of Supervisors (Board of Supervisors), approved a new franchise agreement with South Tahoe Refuse to provide solid waste collection, recycling, and disposal to the residents in the unincorporated area of South Lake Tahoe.  The franchise agreement provides solid waste collection, recycling, and disposal services to the residents of the unincorporated area of South Lake Tahoe. South Tahoe Refuse has a separate franchise agreement with the City of South Lake Tahoe.

Current Franchise Refuse Rates:

Approved rates effective January 1, 2024(PDF, 139KB)

Hazardous Waste in El Dorado County

The citizens of El Dorado County including industry, government, agriculture and residential sources are not large generators of hazardous waste. The majority (90+%) of the hazardous waste stream in El Dorado County consists of waste oil, old paint and lead acid car batteries. There are now at least 21 public waste oil collection sites are now open 7 days/week which the County, in part, has funded. But, for old paint and car batteries as well as for uncommon items such as expired or banned pesticides, herbicides, solvents, paint strippers, etc., the County has previously implemented periodic one day collection events. However, in the interest of both cost effectiveness and convenience, the County in a cooperative arrangement with the El Dorado Hills Fire Department, Lake Valley Fire Department, So. Tahoe Refuse Co., Inc. (So. Lake Tahoe) and Western El Dorado Recovery Systems, Inc. (Diamond Springs) have opened opening permanent collection facilities for hazardous waste. The County continues to conduct one day collection events in the more remote areas including Meek's Bay, Mt. Aukum and the Georgetown-Divide.

Additionally, all solid waste collected by the private franchises must now be screened for hazardous waste. This entails inspecting random loads and removing any hazardous waste noted and educating all landfill users of hazardous waste laws to ensure that hazardous waste does not get buried at any landfill. This new requirement has also increased the cost of refuse collection. 

Mandated Recycling and Waste Reduction

Assembly Bill 939 became law on January 1, 1990, and mandates that every County and City divert their waste from landfills 25% by 1995 and 50% by 2000 or face $10,000 per day fines. To accomplish these requirements, the County and the Cities have prepared and adopted an Integrated Waste Management Plan. This Plan has been developed by the El Dorado County Waste Management Task Force in a cooperative effort overseen by the respective city councils and the Board of Supervisors. The key to successful diversion includes an integrated approach including programs for source reduction, composting and recycling. To accomplish the waste diversion goals, the County franchises have built regional Material Recovery Facilities (MRF's). These facilities process solid wastes through a sorting line and recyclables are diverted to market.

The County is currently diverting approx. 40% of solid waste from landfills. Significant steps must still be taken to get us to the mandated 50% level. Additional infrastructure such as a potential Georgetown MRF, enhanced public education, better responsiveness by the public and more aggressive recycling will be essential to meet the mandate.

Litter Pickup Program

El Dorado County operates a roadside litter collection program. Litter is collected by permanent staff and low-risk inmates from the County Jail. Litter is collected along the County maintained roads and the State Highways. Because there are literally thousands of miles of County maintained roadways within the County, priority is given to the more heavily used roadways and those where significant accumulations of litter exist.

Department Environmental Health Specialists also enforce the County's solid waste ordinance. This ordinance governs the accumulation, storage, collection and disposal of solid waste generated on residential, commercial and industrial properties within the County. If you are aware of significant accumulations of litter along a county roadway, please contact us at 530-621-5300.

Program Funding

The Union Mine projects, and general waste management programs have been funded without debt service utilizing a host of funding mechanisms including franchise fees, tipping fees, Gate Fee surcharges, and parcel fees. Over the past 10 years, the County has invested over $20 million dollars in waste management programs primarily expenses associated with Union Mine. The annual solid waste parcel fee has been in place since 1989. The current fee is $17 per EDU (Equivalent Dwelling Unit) which has been stable since 1992. This annual fee cannot be increased without voter approval. Please note that larger waste generators such as supermarkets, shopping centers, restaurants, etc. are assessed a higher parcel fee via an EDU multiplier. The solid waste parcel fee generates approx. $1 million dollars per year.

There is also an annual household hazardous waste parcel fee of $3/EDU which is assessed Countywide. These funds help support the collection and disposal of hazardous waste at the El Dorado Hills Fire Station, Meyer's Fire Station and at one day events periodically held throughout the County.

Lastly, there is an annual $15 per parcel fee is assessed and collected on your annual tax bill (only those parcels serviced by a septic tank are assessed the fee). This revenue supported the capitalization of the $8 million dollar Union Mine septic tank treatment plant and now helps offset on-going operational costs. This facility was built with County rate payer funds and is where all the County septic tank pumpers deliver their septic tank waste. If your septic tank has never been pumped, then you obviously save the +/-$300 fee charged by the septage haulers. As reflected in the chart below, it is substantially less costly to both construct and operate a septic tank system vs. a public sewerage system such as EID.

Solid Waste Enforcement and Complaints

Environmental Health Specialists enforce the County's Solid Waste Ordinance. This ordinance governs the accumulation, storage, collection, and disposal of solid waste generated on residential, commercial, and industrial properties within the County. Complaints alleging improper solid waste management practices can be lodged by submitting an online complaint form. 

Chapter 8.42 - Solid Waste Management Ordinance No. 4525

Click to view the entire Solid Waste Management Ordinance.

8.42.200 Mandatory Collection Areas
8.42.210 Liability for Payment of Fees-Mandatory Collection
8.42.220 Billing Cycle and Penalty for Delinquent Payments
8.42.230 Discontinuation of Service
8.42.240 Fee a Civil Debt
8.42.250 Lien for Ninety (90) Day Delinquencies
8.42.255 General Exemptions-Mandatory Collection Area
8.42.260 Complaint Procedures



A. That pursuant to the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 (public Resources Code Sections 40000 et seq.), the Legislature has mandated that local agencies make adequate provisions for Solid Waste handling within their jurisdictions; and

B. That to protect the-health, safety and welfare of the County's constituency, it is in the public's beat interest to establish exclusive franchises for the mandatory collection, disposal and processing of solid waste and recyclable materials.

C. That, pursuant to state law, El Dorado County is authorized to execute its powers for the purpose of the collection or disposal of garbage or refuse matter and may contract for the collection and disposal of garbage or refuse matter.

Section 1. Article 11 of chapter 8.42 of Title 8 of the El Dorado County Ordinance Code, sections 8.42.200 through 8.42.260, is hereby repealed and superseded as follows:

8.42.200 Mandatory Collection Areas

A. A mandatory collection area is established and shall consist of the unincorporated areas described below in the South Lake Tahoe Basin within El Dorado County included in the area more particularly described as follows:

All of Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B. & M., lying within the boundaries of the County of El Dorado.

All of Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B. & M., lying within the boundaries of the County of El Dorado.

All of Township 11 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B. & M., lying within the boundaries of the County of El Dorado.

Excepting therefrom that processing of Section 6 in said township lying westerly of U.S. Highway 50 and further excepting from said township all of Section 7 but that portion of the Northeast Quarter thereof lying easterly of U.S. Highway 50.

All of Sections 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35, 36 in Township 13 North, Range 17 East, Section 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 24 and East half Sections 3, 10, 15, 22 of Township 12 North, Range 17 East.

B. The boundaries of the Cameron Park Community Services District as presently constituted at time of Ordinance passage, and as amended in the future by the El Dorado County Local Agency Formation Commission.

C. Other mandatory collection areas may be established by Ordinance by the Board of Supervisors as found to be necessary for the public health and welfare or required to implement state laws.

8.42.210 Liability for Payment of Fees-Mandatory Collection

Each owner, occupant or person in possession, charge or control of any collection premises located in a mandatory collection area is hereby made liable jointly and severely for the payment of the solid waste collection, processing and disposal fees levied against such premises for required solid waste collection, processing and disposal services, irrespective of the actual use of the service provided by the district or grantee. Services made available to those premises required to receive such service shall be considered as services utilized. It shall be the primary duty of the owner of such premises to provide for the payment of the services.

8.42.220 Billing Cycle and Penalty for Delinquent Payments

Solid waste collection fees may be billed and paid in advance on a quarterly or bi-monthly basis. Payment shall be due upon and shall become delinquent fifteen (15) days after the date of any billing. A finance charge and late payment penalty as permitted by law shall be added at the end of each month following the delinquency date.

8.42.230 Discontinuation of Service

The county or grantee may discontinue service for any customer whose account remains unpaid for sixty (60) days after the date of billing as long as the customer has received a notice on a form approved by the director of the county stating that service will be discontinued fifteen (15) days from the date of the notice if payment is not made by that time. Upon payment of the delinquent fees, collection shall resume on the next regularly scheduled collection day. Fees shall be continued to be assessed and billed notwithstanding that service has been discontinued and notice of same shall be included in the form sent to the customer.

8.42.240 Fee a Civil Debt

The fees levied for service for solid waste collection shall constitute a civil debt and liability owing to El Dorado County and/or any grantee from the person using or chargeable for such services and shall be collectible in the same manner provided by law.

8.42.250 Lien for Ninety (90) Day Delinquencies

Mandatory collection fees authorized pursuant to this article which remain unpaid for a period of ninety (90) or more days after the date upon which they were billed may be collected thereafter by El Dorado County as provided herein.

A. Once a year the board of supervisors shall cause to be prepared a report of delinquent fees. The Board shall fix a time, date and place for hearing the report and any objections or protests thereto.

B. The board shall cause notice of the hearing to be mailed to the landowners listed on the report not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the hearing.

C. At the hearing, the board shall hear any objections or protests of landowners liable to be assessed for delinquent fees. The board may make such revisions or corrections to the report as it deems just, after which by resolution, the report shall be confirmed.

D. The delinquent fees set forth in the report as confirmed shall constitute special assessments against the respective parcels of land and are a lien on the property for the amount of such delinquent fees. A certified copy of the confirmed report shall be filed with the county auditor, on or before August 10, for the amounts of the respective assessments against the respective parcels of land as they appear on the current assessment roll. The lien created attaches upon recordation, in the office of the county recorder of the county in which the property is situated, of a certified copy of the resolution of confirmation. The assessment may be collected at the same time and in the same manner as ordinary county ad valorem property taxes are collected and shall be subject to the same penalties and the same procedure and sale in case of delinquency as provided for such taxes. All laws applicable to the levy, collection and enforcement of county ad valorem property taxes shall be applicable to such assessment, except that if any real property to which such lien would attach has been transferred or conveyed to a Bonafide purchaser for value, or if a lien of a bona fide encumbrance for value has been created and attaches thereon, prior to the date on which the first installment of such taxes would become delinquent, then the lien which would otherwise be imposed by this section shall not attach to such real property and the delinquency fees, as confirmed, relating to such property shall be transferred to the unsecured roll for collection.

8.42.255 General Exemptions-Mandatory Collection Area

A. The provisions of this Article shall not apply to any of the residential units or commercial enterprises hereafter described:

  1. To residential units in a motel or hotel containing more than three (3) units, where not more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total number of units are residential units and where the franchisee is satisfied that adequate solid waste collection and disposal is provided by such motel or hotel.
  2. To residential units which are not connected to water and electrical power and where water and electrical power cannot be provided to such premises without action by a public utility or mutual water company, provided that such exemption shall terminate upon occupancy of such units.
  3. To commercial enterprises from which the owner of the premises on which the commercial enterprise is operated collects and disposes of solid waste from such premises in compliance with all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations.

B. Any person claiming an exemption pursuant to this section shall file a statement under oath or under penalty of perjury with the franchise stating the facts upon which exemption is claimed and, in the absence of such statement substantiating the claim, such person shall be liable for the payment of the solid waste collection fees required by this article.

C. The franchisee, after giving notice of not less than ten (10) days and a reasonable opportunity for hearing to any person claiming an exemption pursuant to this section, may revoke any exemption granted upon information that the person is not entitled to the exemption as provided herein.

8.42.260 Complaint Procedures

The director of environmental management, or his designee, shall adopt an administrative complaint procedure whereby customers may file complaints regarding service or any other matter arising out of the services provided under this article. Appeals from any determinations made pursuant to these administrative procedures may be made to the board of supervisors in accordance with Chapter 2.09 of the El Dorado County Code.