
The 4 S's - Sanitation, Spills, Sedimentation, and Safety


Eradicate the "White Flower"

  • What is a White Flower?
    It's the toilet paper you leave behind. You should use a Wag Bag.
  • What is a Wag Bag?
    A safe, eco-friendly human waste disposal system
  • Why use a Wag Bag?
    The chemical renders fecal matter inert. The Bag itself will decompose completely in a season.
  • How do I use a Wag Bag?
    Pee & poo in the bag. Add the chemical provided. Tie it shut.
  • Where do I dispose of a Wag Bag?
    Drop the bag in any trash bin, not into toilets or outhouses.

Learn more about Wag Bags

Get it right for the long haul.

  • Clean up mess & then some
  • Don't leave "white flowers"
  • Use & pack-out Wag Bags
  • No Wag Bags in toilets
  • Pack out all Trash


Every Last Drop, Leave no trace...

  • Perform pre-trip maintenance
  • Check your vehicle often for leaks
  • Carry and use a spill clean-up kit
  • Use a spotter
  • Stop every leak
  • Use hazardous waste sheds
  • If it leaks, leave it at home


Keep your rubber on the rocks

  • Stay on designated routes
  • Look for trail markers
  • Never drive through meadows
  • Straddle ruts, gullies and washouts
  • Cross streams at designated points
  • Minimize wheel spin
  • Never drive over vegetation
  • Be patient at hold ups


Buckle Up and Tie Down

  • Buckle up - State laws apply
  • Help a wheeler in need
  • Carry or locate a HAM radio
  • Don't shoot in camps or along trails
  • Yield to bikers, hikers and equine
  • Drink responsibly
  • Use a spotter
  • Fire restrictions are in effect