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Parks and Trails Goals and Objectives
As identified in El Dorado County's General Plan:
Goal 9.1 - Parks and Recreation Facilities
Goal 9.1 with its supporting objectives and policies directs the County to provide adequate recreation opportunities and facilities including parks, trails, and resource-based recreation areas for the health and welfare of El Dorado County residents and visitors.
Objective 9.1.4 directs the county to conserve and promote County rivers and waterways, particularly the South Fork of the American River, as recreational and economic assets. Policies identify the River Management Plan, South Fork of the American River as the implementation plan for river management policies and call for support of acquisition of a public river access adjacent to Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park.
Goal 9.3 - Recreation and Tourism
Goal 9.3 aims to increase opportunities to capitalize on County recreational resources by encouraging tourism and recreation-based businesses and industries. Associated objectives and policies address the need to protect and maintain existing natural and cultural resources and those recreation businesses and industries that attract tourism.
El Dorado County Adopted General Plan