Forebay Park
5581 Gail Drive
Pollock Pines, CA 95726
Forebay Park is currently undergoing renovations. Visit the Upcoming Projects page for more information on this project.
Forebay Park is located on Forebay Road in the town of Pollock Pines, California, which is approximately 15 miles east of Placerville on State Highway 50 in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. The park features several amenities such as a multi-purpose community building, little league baseball field, regulation horseshoe pits, and picnic areas. Forebay Park Lodge is multi-purpose community building with kitchen and open meeting area. Forebay Field is a fenced little league field with bleachers, a scoreboard, and concession building with announcer's stand. The field is the home of the Snowline Little League. Forebay Horse Shoe Pits has six regulation horseshoe pits that are used for both league and tournament play. Adjacent to the park is El Dorado Irrigation District's Forebay Reservoir, a no-body-contact reservoir. This recreation spot is also perfect for picnics and quiet walks. The park is open seven days a week from 8 AM until dusk.
Please call the El Dorado County Parks and Trails Division at (530) 621-5360 or send an email to check rental availability.
Park Rental Information