Forebay Park, located in Pollock Pines, is a 12-acre park currently undergoing renovations. El Dorado County acquired the park in 2014 from the El Dorado Irrigation District.
Upcoming Project Activities
- Anticipated Summer 2025: Break ground.
- Anticipated Spring 2025: Begin construction bid process.
2024 Project Updates
- August 21, 2024: Community meeting was held to present updates and progress made on renovations (presentation slide deck(PDF, 4MB)).
- June 2024: Contractor prepared the schematic site master plan and playground concept.
- January 23, 2024: Contract executed with contractor to provide phase 1 schematic planning and civil engineering design services.
Forebay Park Site Schematic Master Plan
Project Background
- November 6, 2023: Community meeting held to discuss the park project and phased plan, and receive a presentation from the Pollock Pines People Playground.
- September 12, 2023: Board adopted the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration and approved a phasing plan.
- December 13, 2022: Board approved second amendment to agreement with Helix Environmental Planning, Inc. to prepare the CEQA initial study.
- October 18, 2022: Board approved the Forebay Park conceptual design and directed staff to proceed with the environmental review process and develop a phasing plan based on available funding and community priorities.
- August 18, 2022: Parks and Recreation Commission approved the Forebay Park conceptual design and authorized the CEQA process.
- August 3, 2022: The ad-hoc committee appointed by the Parks and Recreation Commission met to make recommendations on the bubble diagram.
- July 27, 2022: The revised bubble diagram from the first public meeting was discussed at the Parks and Recreation Commission.
- May 18, 2022: A survey was sent out at the end of March 2022 and results were compiled to develop a bubble diagram which was presented at the first public meeting to solicit feedback. The bubble diagram was revised based off the first public meeting input.
- May 10, 2022: Board approved amendment to agreement with Helix Environmental Planning, Inc. to conduct design work and environmental studies.
- November 9, 2021: Board allocated $3 million of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding for Forebay Park renovations.
- September 21, 2021: Board approved the Parks and Water Bond Act of 2018 (Prop 68) Per Capita Grant Program project funding to fund the restroom replacement.
- March 23, 2021: Board authorized submittal of a Parks and Water Bond Act of 2018 (Prop 68) Per Capita Grant Program application to fund the restroom replacement.
- June 25, 2019: Board authorized submittal of a Parks and Water Bond Act of 2018 (Prop 68) Grant Program application for site renovations and improvements. The grant was not awarded.
- September 28, 2015: Community meeting held to discuss park priorities, improvements, facilities, and park name.
- June 2, 2015: Community meeting held to identify park priorities and improvements, and to discuss facilities and park name.
Phase 1 Proposed Renovations
- Two asphalt parking lot areas
- Access roads
- ADA accessible restrooms
- Inclusive playground
- Senior exercise equipment
Forebay Park Conceptual Phased Plan