Oak Woodland Management Plan
( Planning Commission Recommended Version, April 2008)
- Complete Document(PDF, 5MB) [138 pages]
- Table of Contents(PDF, 13KB)
- Oak Woodlands Management Plan(PDF, 84KB)
- Figure 2 - Existing Connectivity within PCAs(PDF, 966KB)
- Appendices
- Appendices Table of Contents(PDF, 120KB)
- Appendix A - OWMP Background and Support Information(PDF, 449KB)
- Appendix B - Conservation Fund In-Lieu Fee Mitigation(PDF, 162KB)
- Appendix C - General Plan Policies Applicable to OWMP(PDF, 28KB)
- Appendix D - Best Management Practices for Oak Woodlands(PDF, 22KB)
- Appendix E - Guidelines for Maintenance, Restoration, and Rehabilitation of Oak Woodlands(PDF, 40KB)
- Appendix F - Resources(PDF, 43KB)
- Appendix G - Literature Cited(PDF, 2MB)