Agenda Items


Agenda Items related to the TGPA-ZOU project that have been presented to the Board of Supervisors, Planning/ Agriculture Commissions are listed by year.

Please note: These agenda items may not reflect the most current information and are subject to change. For the latest information on agenda items related to this project, refer to theCounty online agenda calendar.


Date Item File ID Ver. Description
12/15/2015 42 11-0356 21 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board take the following final actions, pursuant to tentative actions taken on November 10 through 13, 2015 as follows: 1) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 195-2015 certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Targeted General Plan Amendment and Zoning Ordinance Update (Resolution No. 195-2015); Making Environmental Findings of Fact (Exhibit A); Adopting a Statement of Overriding Considerations (Exhibit B); and Approving the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Exhibit C), See Attachment 21A for Resolution and 21I for Final Environmental Impact Report; 2) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 196-2015 adopting a Targeted General Plan Amendment to the El Dorado County General Plan (Resolution No. 196-2015); Modification to Camino/Pollock Pines Community Region to Rural Centers of Camino, Cedar Grove and Pollock Pines (Exhibit A); Agricultural District Boundary Amendment (Exhibit B); List of Limited Land Use Designation Revisions (Exhibit C), See Attachment 21B; 3) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolutions 197-2015,198-2015, 199-2015, 200-2015, 201-2015 and 202-2015 to approve community design standards for: a) Mixed Use Design (Resolution 197-2015); b) Landscaping and Irrigation (Resolution 198-2015); c) Outdoor Lighting (Resolution 199-2015); d) Mobile Home Park Design (Resolution 200-2015); e) Research and Development Zone Design (Resolution 201-2015); and f) Parking and Loading (Resolution 202-2015), See Attachments 21C, 21D, 21E, 21F, 21G and 21H; 4) Adopt the Zoning Ordinance Update (See Attachment 21J) including the Zoning Ordinance Map (See Attachment 21K); and 5) Direct staff to return to the Planning Commission and Board within approximately one year of adoption or earlier, if necessary, to review implementation of the Project.
11/13/2015 1 11-0356 20 (Continued 11/12/15 Item 1)
11/12/2015 1 11-0356 19 (Continued 11/10/15 Item 29)
11/10/2015 29 11-0356 18 HEARING - To consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the Targeted General Plan Amendment and Zoning Ordinance Update (TGPA-ZOU) project and Final Environmental Report (EIR) and recommending the Board take the following actions: 1) Adopt Resolution certifying the Final EIR for the TGPA-ZOU Project to amend the General Plan and update the Zoning Ordinance (Attachment 16B-Exhibit A), Make Findings of Fact (Attachment 16C-Exhibit A-1), and Adopt Statement of Overriding Considerations (Attachment 16D-Exhibit A-2); modified as necessary to accommodate the Planning Commission’s recommendation as specified in “Planning Commission Recommendation on TGPA-ZOU Project, September 2, 2015” (Attachment 18B); 2) Adopt Resolution to Amend the County General Plan in accordance with state and federal law (Attachment 16E-Exhibit B) with the proposed minor revisions outlined in the Technical Memorandum #2 (Attachment 16A) and in the Errata Sheet (Attachment 16M-Exhibit J), and modified as specified in “Planning Commission Recommendation on TGPA-ZOU Project, September 2, 2015” (Attachment 18B); 3) Adopt Resolutions to approve community design standards (Attachments 16F-K-Exhibits C-H) for: (a) Mixed Use Design; (b) Landscaping and Irrigation; (c) Outdoor Lighting; (d) Mobile Home Park Design; (e) Research and Development Zone Design; and (f) Parking and Loading; 4) Adopt the Zoning Ordinance Update (Attachment 16N-Exhibit K) with the proposed minor revisions outlined in Technical Memorandum #2 (Attachment 16A) and in the Errata Sheet (Attachment 16M-Exhibit J), and modified as specified in “Planning Commission Recommendation on TGPA-ZOU Project, September 2, 2015” (Attachment 18B); 5) Adopt the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program with the recommended mitigation measure revisions (Attachment 16L-Exhibit I0), and modified as specified in “Planning Commission Recommendation on TGPA-ZOU Project, September 2, 2015” (Attachment 18B); and 6) Direct staff to return to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors within approximately one year of adoption or earlier, if necessary, to review implementation of the Project.
9/2/2015 1 11-0356 17 Planning Commission Hearing continued from 8/27/2015 (See below 8/27/2015, Item #2)
8/27/2015 2 11-0356 16 Planning Commission Hearing to consider the Targeted General Plan Amendment and Zoning Ordinance Update (TGPA-ZOU) project and Final Environmental Report (EIR). Staff recommending the Planning Commission take the following actions: A) Review Final EIR (July 2015); B) Receive public comment and consider all comments submitted to date regarding the Project and associated environmental analysis; and C) Forward a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors to take the following actions: 1) Adopt Resolution certifying the EIR for the TGPA-ZOU Project to amend the General Plan and update the Zoning Ordinance (Exhibit A) [Attachment 16B]; Make Findings of Fact (Exhibit A-1) [Attachment 16C] and Issue Statement of Overriding Considerations (Exhibit A-2) [Attachment 16D]; 2) Adopt Resolution to Amend the County General Plan in accordance with state and federal law (Exhibit B) [Attachment 16E]; 3) Adopt Resolutions to approve community design standards (Exhibits C-H) [Attachments 16F-16K] for: (a) Mixed Use Design; (b) Landscaping and Irrigation;(c) Outdoor Lighting; (d) Mobile Home Park Design; (e) Research and Development Zone Design; and (f) Parking and Loading; 4) Adopt the Zoning Ordinance Update with the proposed minor revisions outlined in the Technical Memorandum No. 2 [Attachment 16A] and attached as Exhibits J and K [Attachments 16M and 16N]; 5) Adopt the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program with the recommended mitigation measure revisions (Exhibit I) [Attachment 16L]; and 6) Direct staff to return to the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors within approximately one (1) year of adoption or earlier, if necessary, to review implementation of the Project.


Date Item File ID Ver. Description
12/9/2014 27 13-0510 5 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, summarizing Community Region boundary line review to date and requesting Board direction regarding potential Community Region boundary line amendments.
10/21/2014 24 12-0113 4 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning, recommending the Board authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign Amendment III to Agreement for Services No. 595-S1211 with ICF Jones & Stokes, Inc. for work related to a partial recirculation of the draft Environmental Impact Report for the Targeted General Plan Amendment and Zoning Ordinance Update, expanding the scope of work and increasing the not-to-exceed amount of the Agreement by $54,947.90 for a not-to-exceed total amount of $407,677.90 and extending the term of the Agreement to February 1, 2016, contingent upon review and approval of the Amendment by County Counsel and Risk Management.


1 14-1244 1 Agricultural Commission meeting - Approval of the Minutes for the Agricultural Commission meeting of August 13, 2014 (see Minutes item VI. regarding presentation on the TGPA-ZOU Project).
8/27/2014 1 11-0356 9 Planning Commission HEARING (Cont. 8-20-14, Item 1)
8/20/2014 1 11-0356 9 Planning Commission HEARING (Cont. 08-18-14, Item 1)
8/18/2014 1 11-0356 9 Planning Commission HEARING (Cont. 8-14-14, Item 2)


1 11-0356 9 Planning Commission HEARING (Cont. 08-13-14, Item 1)
8/13/2014 3 14-1094 1 Agricultural Commission meeting - presentation of a series of ongoing (Planning Commission) meetings to receive public comment on the TGPA-ZOU Project, and (for the Planning Commission ) to prepare a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors.
8/13/2014 1 11-0356 9 Planning Commission HEARING (Cont. 08-06-14, Item 1)
8/6/2014 1 11-0356 9 Planning Commission HEARING (Cont. 08-04-14, Item 1)
8/4/2014 1 11-0356 9 Planning Commission HEARING - Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Planning Commission receive public comment and prepare a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors on the Targeted General Plan Amendment-Zoning Ordinance Update (TGPA-ZOU). The County is proposing targeted amendments to certain General Plan policies (TGPA) and a comprehensive update to the Zoning Ordinance (ZOU) to bring it into conformance with the General Plan as required by Government Code 65860. The project would take effect county-wide in those areas that are under County jurisdiction including county lands outside the cities of Placerville and South Lake Tahoe that are not under the jurisdiction of federal or state agencies or tribal lands.
7/10/2014 3 14-0830 1 Planning Commission meeting: Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, receiving public comment and providing a presentation on the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Targeted General Plan Amendment and Zoning Ordinance Update
6/26/2014 5 14-0863 1 Planning Commission Meeting: Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, providing a brief update on the various timelines and workshops related to the Targeted General Plan Amendment and Zoning Ordinance Update.
2/25/2014 33 11-0356 8 Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board take the following action regarding the Targeted General Plan Amendment and Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Update project: 1) Receive the draft scope and projected schedule for the completion of the Targeted General Plan Amendment and Zoning Ordinance Update (TGPA-ZOU) project; and 2) Authorize the release of the TGPA-ZOU Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for a 45-60 day public comment and review period; or 3) Identify precise map modifications to the Community Region Boundaries of El Dorado Hills and Shingle Springs and provide direction to staff regarding how to process the proposed amendments. If the proposed amendments would be processed as part of the TGPA-ZOU project, direct staff to hold the release of the DEIR until such time that the DEIR can be revised to address the proposed amendments.
1/28/2014 5 12-0113 3 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute Amendment II to Agreement for Services No. 595-S1211 with ICF Jones & Stokes, Inc. for the provision of services related to the County’s Targeted General Plan Amendment and Comprehensive Zoning Code Update extending the term of the Agreement for one (1) additional year to cover the period February 1, 2012 to February 1, 2015 with no change to total compensation.
1/23/2014 7 CDAC13-039 1 Community & Economic Development Advisory Committee (CEDAC): Staff recommending the committee review the December 3, 2014 Land Use Policy Programmatic Update (LUPPU) agenda file and meeting video, item #32, Agenda File 13-1218, independently of the CEDAC meeting. The next LUPPU update is scheduled for January 28, 2014.



Date Item File ID Ver. Description
12/17/2013 53 09-0519 2 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board consider the following regarding the Camino-Pollock Pines Community Region: 1) Continue to process the proposed amendment to the Camino-Pollock Pines Community Region through the Targeted General Plan Amendment and Zoning Ordinance Update process; or 2) Adopt the draft Resolution 196-2013 of Intention to initiate a General Plan amendment to the Camino-Pollock Pines Community Region, subject to review and approval by County Counsel.
10/22/2013 9 11-1441 4 Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute Amendment II to Agreement for Services No. 396-S1211 with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. revising the scope of services to add two additional tasks under Component 2 - Environmental Impact Analysis for Targeted General Plan Amendment (TGPA) and Zoning Ordinance Update and adding one additional task under Component 4 - Rural Area Land Use Forecasting and Iterative Analysis, increasing the contract amount by $33,940 for a total contract amount of $485,477.50, and extending the term through July 31, 2014, contingent upon review and approval of the Amendment by County Counsel and Risk Management. FUNDING: The total contract is funded by a combination of Traffic Impact Mitigation (TIM) Fees, Road Fund, and General Fund. Amendment II is specifically funded by General Fund.
9/30/2013 5 13-0510 4 Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board defer initiation of a new process to amend the General Plan relative to Community Region Boundaries until completion of the Targeted General Plan Amendment-Zoning Ordinance Update Environmental Impact Report. Staff also recommends continuing to concurrently support the development of local Community Visioning and Implementation Plans.
9/30/2013 1 12-0267 20 Chief Administrative Office providing the Board with an update on the Land Use Policy Programmatic Update.
8/27/2013 15 12-0267 19 Chief Administrative Office providing the Board with an update on the Land Use Policy Programmatic Update.
7/30/2013 30 13-0782 2 Community and Economic Development Advisory Committee (CEDAC) providing information and recommendations on the Land Use Policy Programmatic Update (LUPPU) and beyond in support of the County's Capital Improvement Program.
7/30/2013 26 12-0267 18 Chief Administrative Office providing the Board with an update on the Land Use Policy Programmatic Update.
6/27/2013 4 13-0510 3 Community Development Agency, Development Services Division, providing the Board with a "white paper" for a discussion regarding Community Region Boundary Lines as directed on May 7, 2013. (Cont'd 6/11/13, Item 2)
6/27/2013 2 12-0267 17 Chief Administrative Office providing the Board with an update on the Land Use Policy Programmatic Update.
6/27/2013 1 13-0782 1 El Dorado County Community and Economic Development Advisory Committee (CEDAC) providing information and recommendations on the Land Use Policy and Programmatic Update (LUPPU).
6/20/2013 5 CDAC13-012 1 Community & Economic Development Advisory Committee (CEDAC): Discussion - Staff recommending the committee review and approve the presentation prepared for the June 27, 2013 Board of Supervisors workshop to discuss Community Boundary Guidelines, Pending Projects, CIP TIM Fees and the role of CEDAC.
6/11/2013 2 13-0510 2 Community Development Agency, Development Services Division, providing the Board with a "white paper" for a discussion regarding Community Region Boundary Lines as directed on May 7, 2013; and set June 27, 2013 as a Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors for further direction. (Cont. 5/7/13, Item 25)
5/21/2013 31 12-0267 16 Chief Administrative Office providing the Board with an update on the Land Use Policy Programmatic Update.
5/7/2013 25 13-0510 1 Supervisor Nutting recommending the Board have a discussion regarding the possible removal of the Community Region Boundary Line in Shingle Springs.
4/23/2013 39 12-0267 15 Chief Administrative Office providing the Board with an update on the Land Use Policy Programmatic Update.
3/25/2013 6 13-0081 3 El Dorado County Economic Development Advisory Committee providing information and recommendations on Community Organization and Economic Development Program funding and requesting Board direction regarding same.
3/25/2013 4 12-0267 14 Chief Administrative Office providing the Board with an update on the Land Use Policy Programmatic Update. (Con't. 2/26/13, Item 23)
3/5/2013 6 12-0113 2 Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute Amendment I to Agreement for services No. 595-S1211 with ICF Jones and Stokes, Inc. revising the scope to include the development of standards (master plans) for Mixed Use and Traditional Neighborhood Design development; and increasing the contract amount by $57,585 for a total not to exceed amount of $352,730.
2/26/2013 23 12-0267 13 Chief Administrative Office providing the Board with an update on the Land Use Policy Programmatic Update. (Con't. 1/28/13, Item 1)
2/5/2013 16 12-0837 10 Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board receive a presentation on the Legal Nonconforming chapter of the Draft Zoning Ordinance; and provide direction regarding the same. (Refer Item No. 40, 12/4/12)
1/28/2013 4 13-0081 1 Presentation by the El Dorado County Economic Development Advisory Committee on the Land Use Policy Programmatic Update (LUPPU) and beyond.
1/28/2013 1 12-0267 12 Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board and the Planning Commission receive information regarding the Land Use Policy Programmatic Update (LUPPU). (Con't. 12/4/12, Item 40)



Date Item File ID Ver. Description
12/4/2012 42 12-1443 1 Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board provide conceptual approval and further direction on the development of a comprehensive Community Development Standards and Guidelines Manual.
12/4/2012 40 12-0267 11 Chief Administrative Office providing the Board with an update on the Land Use Policy Programmatic Update. (Con't. 10/30/12, Item 34)
11/13/2012 36 12-0837 8 Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Authorize the following to be analyzed under a program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) prepared for the Targeted General Plan Amendment and Zoning Ordinance Update to provide an adequate level review for a range of options for future Board decisions: a. Draft Targeted General Plan Amendments; b. Draft Camino/Pollock Pines Community Region Revision Map; c. Draft Ag District Boundaries Expansion Map; d. Draft General Plan Land Use Amendments Maps; e. Draft Zoning Ordinance; f. Draft Zoning Maps; g. Draft Agriculture Opt-in Map; and 2) Review Project Alternatives and, if desired, provide additional alternatives for the consideration in the EIR. (Refer 9/24/12, Item 4)
10/30/2012 34 12-0267 10 Chief Administrative Office providing the Board with an update on the Land Use Policy Programmatic Update. (Refer 9/25/12, Item 42)
9/25/2012 42 12-0267 9 Chief Administrative Office providing the Board with an update on the Land Use Policy Programmatic Update. (Refer 8/20/12, Item 1)
9/24/2012 4 12-0837 7 Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board authorize staff to: 1) Finalize the revised Public Review Draft of the Zoning Ordinance and Targeted General Plan Amendments; 2) Update the County website with the revised Public Review Draft and Maps; and 3) Authorize Staff to re-release the Notice of Preparation for a 30-day review and comment period. (Refer 9/18/12, Item 14)
9/18/2012 14 12-0837 6 Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board receive a progress report on the Zoning Ordinance update and provide direction regarding same. (Refer 8/20/12, Item 2)
8/20/2012 2 12-0837 5 Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board receive a progress report on the Zoning Ordinance update and provide direction regarding same. (Refer 7/20/12)
8/20/2012 1 12-0267 8 Chief Administrative Office providing the Board with an update on the Land Use Policy Programmatic Update. (Refer 7/24/12, Item 20)
7/24/2012 20 12-0267 7 Chief Administrative Office providing the Board with an update on the Land Use Policy Programmatic Update. (Refer 6/26/12, Item 47)
7/20/2012 1 12-0837 4 Chief Administrative Office recommending a Joint Workshop of the Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission for the purpose of reviewing the draft Zoning Code Update, receiving public comment, and providing direction on same.
7/19/2012 1 12-0837 3 Chief Administrative Office recommending a Joint Workshop of the Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission for the purpose of reviewing the draft Zoning Code Update, receiving public comment, and providing direction on same.
7/18/2012 1 12-0837 2 Chief Administrative Office recommending a Joint Workshop of the Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission for the purpose of reviewing the draft Zoning Code Update, receiving public comment, and providing direction on same.
7/16/2012 1 12-0837 1 Chief Administrative Office recommending a Joint Workshop of the Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission for the purpose of reviewing the draft Zoning Code Update, receiving public comment, and providing direction on same.
6/26/2012 47 12-0267 6 Chief Administrative Office providing the Board with an update on the Land Use Policy Programmatic Update. (Refer 5/15/12, Item 24)
6/4/2012 5 12-0686 1 Closed Session: Board confer with Legal Counsel on legal issues related to TGPA-ZOU
5/15/2012 24 12-0267 5 Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board: 1) Authorize staff to revise Attachment 4E, Draft Zoning Ordinance to include items identified on ERRATA Sheet #2 dated May 15, 2012; 2) Authorize staff to release the Notice of Preparation to inform of the County’s intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Targeted General Plan Amendment and Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Update (CEQA Guidelines, Section 15082) and solicit preliminary comments from the public and public agencies; and 3) Approve the following schedule for next steps in the process: - Weeks of June 18 May 28, 2012 and June 25, 2012 - Scoping Meetings within the Communities of; North County, South County, Myers, Camino/Pollock Pines, El Dorado/Diamond Springs, Cameron Park and El Dorado Hills. - June 28, 2012 Planning Commission workshop for Public Agency Comments. - Early July 2012 - Close Public Comment Period for NOP (45 days from release.) - Week of July 16, 2012 - Board Zoning Ordinance Workshop; End of July 2012 – Board authorization to release project to consultant for preparation of final Project Description and draft Alternative. (Refer 5/1/12, Item 38)
5/1/2012 38 12-0267 4 Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board take the following actions regarding the Targeted General Plan Amendment and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Update: 1) Approve proposed Targeted General Plan Amendments as presented in Attachment 4C for the purpose of analysis in the Environmental Impact Report; 2) Approve recommended Changes to Land Use Map as presented in Attachment 3B for the purpose of analysis in the Environmental Impact Report; 3) Approve the Public Review Draft of the Zoning Ordinance as revised and presented in Attachment 4E based on feedback from public comments and the Board of Supervisors, and direct staff to post the revised Public Review Draft to the County Website; 4) Approve Draft Zoning Ordinance mapping criteria (rule sets) as revised and presented in Attachment 4F for the preparation of a draft zoning map that will be used for the purpose of analysis in the Environmental Impact Report, and direct staff to post revised draft maps to the County Website; and 5) Direct staff to contract with a consultant to prepare the Standards as described in Resolution of Intent (ROI) 183-2011, Optional Item No. 3 “Create standards (master plans) for mixed use and Traditional Neighborhood Design development to provide for a streamlined approval process and to protect the commercial viability of the site.”; 6) Direct staff to return on May 15, 2012 with the Notice of Preparation for Board approval and to initiate the Environmental Review process. (Cont’d 4/16/12, Item 1)
4/16/2012 1 12-0267 3 Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board take the following actions regarding the Targeted General Plan Amendment, Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Update: 1) Approve proposed Targeted General Plan Amendments as presented in Attachment A for the purpose of analysis in the Environmental Impact Report; 2) Approve recommended Changes to Land Use Map as presented in Attachment B for the purpose of analysis in the Environmental Impact Report; 3) Review and comment on Public Review Draft of Zoning Ordinance as presented in Attachment C and direct staff to revise Public Review Draft based on feedback from public comments and the Board of Supervisors and direct staff to post the revised Public Review Draft to the County Website; 4) Approve Draft Zoning Ordinance mapping criteria (rule sets) as presented in Attachment D for the preparation of a draft zoning map that will be used for the purpose of analysis in the Environmental Impact Report and direct staff to post revised draft map; and 5) Direct staff to contract with a consultant to prepare the Standards as described in Resolution of Intent (ROI) 183-2011, Optional Item No. 3 “Create standards (master plans) for mixed use and Traditional Neighborhood Design development to provide for a streamlined approval process and to protect the commercial viability of the site.”)
3/27/2012 21 12-0267 2 Chief Administrative Office providing the Board with an Update of the Land Use Policy Programmatic Update.
2/27/2012 2 12-0267 1 Chief Administrative Office providing a status report and requesting discussion and direction on the Land Use Policy Programmatic Update (LUPPU) including the following: 1) Targeted General Plan Amendment; 2) Housing Element Amendment; 3) Zoning Ordinance Update; and 4) Travel Demand Model Update.
1/24/2012 8 12-0113 1 Chief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts Division, recommending the Board: 1) Award RFP #12-918-026 to ICF International, Inc. of Sacramento, California for the preparation and Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the targeted General Plan Amendment and comprehensive Zoning Code Update; and 2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute an agreement for same in the amount not to exceed $295,146.00 for a two year term upon review and approval by County Counsel and Risk Management.



Date Item File ID Ver. Description
11/14/2011 2 11-0356 7 Development Services Department recommending the Board of Supervisors take the following action regarding the Targeted General Plan Amendment and Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Update: 1) Adopt Resolution of Intention 182-2011 to amend the General Plan - Attachment 11-0356 7A; 2) Adopt Resolution of Intention 183-2011 (no TPZ) and 184-2011 (TPZ only) to adopt a Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Update - Attachment 11-0356 7B; 3) Approve the scope of work and a Request for Proposals to prepare an Environmental Impact Report for both; 4) Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to establish an Executive Advisory Team; and 5) Direct staff to create an agricultural zone opt-in process to provide land-owner input regarding the appropriate zoning for rural property. (Cont'd 10/24/11, Item 3)
10/24/2011 3 11-0356 6 Development Services Department providing draft Resolutions of Intention for review and direction from the Board for the Targeted General Plan Amendment and Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Update. Staff recommends that the Board direct staff to return on November 14, 2011 with three specific items: 1) Resolution of Intention to amend the General Plan; 2) Resolution of Intention to adopt a Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Update - Legistar No. 08-0061; and 3) Scope of work and a Request for Proposals to prepare an Environmental Impact Report for both. (Refer 9/26/11, Item 3)
10/24/2011 2 11-0019 6 Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) presenting to the Board an overview of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as it relates to economic development and regulatory reform. (Refer 9/26/11, Item 2)
9/26/2011 3 11-0356 5 Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) recommending the Board discuss a possible date in October or November to consider the adoption of a Comprehensive Resolution of Intention including previous resolutions of Intention regarding General Plan Amendments and Zoning Ordinance update, Draft Project Description and Draft Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Environmental Impact Report. (Cont'd 8/9/11, Item 29)
9/26/2011 2 11-0019 5 Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) presenting to the Board an overview of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as it relates to economic development and regulatory reform. (Refer 9/26/11, Item 2)
8/9/2011 29 11-0356 4 Development Services Department requesting the Board provide direction on the Scope of Work and the Environmental Impact Report Project Description for the Targeted General Plan Amendments, and the comprehensive Zoning Ordinance update; and staff recommending the Board direct that the Summary Recommendations, as amended by the Board subcommittee, be used as the basis for the preparation of the Work Scope and Project Description for the draft Request for Proposal and cost estimate, subject to Board approval (Cont’d. 7/25/11, Item 1)
7/25/2011 2 11-0019 4 Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) presenting to the Board an analysis and recommendations of the Regulatory Reform Subcommittee. (Cont'd. 4/4/11, Item 3)
7/25/2011 1 11-0356 3 Development Services Department requesting the Board provide direction on the Scope of Work and the Environmental Impact Report Project Description for the Targeted General Plan Amendments, comprehensive Zoning Ordinance update, and the revised Land Development Manual; and staff recommending the Board take the following actions: 1) Direct that the Summary Recommendations (Legistar #11-0356.3D) be used as the basis for the preparation of the Work Scope and Project Description for the draft Request for Proposal and cost estimate, subject to Board approval; and 2) Direct those projects identified as separate actions in the Summary Recommendations (Legistar #11-0356.3D) be processed separately; and 3) Direct that a public hearing be held with the Planning Commission on the draft project description, returning to the Board no later than November 2011 for final approval of a Project Description. (Cont'd. 4/12/11, Item 24)
4/12/2011 24 11-0356 2 Development Services Department recommending the Board: 1) Receive a report pertaining to the Development Services Long-Range Planning 12-Month Action Plan; and 2) Direct staff to prepare a Fiscal Year 2010/2011 General Plan Implementation plan based on the priorities selected. (Cont'd 4/4/11, Item 4)
4/4/2011 4 11-0356 1 Development Services Department recommending the Board: 1) Receive a report pertaining to the Development Services Long-Range Planning 12-Month Action Plan; and 2) Direct staff to prepare a Fiscal Year 2010/2011 General Plan Implementation plan based on the priorities selected.
4/4/2011 3 11-0019 3 Development Services Department recommending the Board adopt a Resolution of Intention to amend the General Plan as recommended by EDAC to address findings from the General Plan Five-Year Monitoring and Review Report. (Cont'd 2/15/11, Item 20)
2/15/2011 20 11-0019 2 Chief Administrative Office in conjunction with Development Services, Department of Transportation and the Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) returning to the Board with a draft Resolution of Intention to initiate a General Plan Amendment. (Cont'd 1/10/11, Item 1)
1/25/2011 27 11-0015 1 Development Services Department recommending the Board adopt a Resolution of Intention authorizing the Development Services Department to proceed with the recommendations of the Agricultural Commission and prepare a draft revision to the agricultural district boundaries, as required under General Plan Measure AF-J. Resolution 013-2011
1/10/2011 1 11-0019 1 Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) presenting an analysis and recommendations of the Regulatory Reform Subcommittee. (Refer 5/10/10, Legistar No. 10-0480)


Date Item File ID Ver. Description
10/18/2010 1 10-1086 1 Development Services Department providing a status report on the Zoning Ordinance Update and requesting further direction by the Board of Supervisors.
5/10/2010 2 10-0480 2 Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) requesting that the Board receive and file update on activities and provide direction as needed.
5/19/2009 41 09-0519 1 Discussion to consider Planning Commission's direction to staff to prepare a Resolution of Intention recommending the Board initiate changes and to consider revising the designation of the Camino-Pollock Pines area from a Community Region to Rural Center or a combination of Rural Centers and Rural Regions; and staff recommending the Board take one of the following actions: (1) Find that no further action is needed; or (2) Adopt the Resolution of Intention and direct staff to prepare and process the amendment based on one of the Alternatives. Resolution 110-2009
3/4/2008 27 08-0061 2 Development Services Department, Planning Services Division, providing a timeline and hourly estimates for the completion of the Zoning Ordinance.
2/12/2008 35 08-0061 1 Development Services Department, Planning Services Division, recommending Resolution 44-2008 of Intention amending the Zoning Ordinance to address implementation of the General Plan, update the format of said Ordinance, and address existing identified problems with the current zoning ordinance; and recommending the Board accept staff’s proposed general work program for the Zoning Ordinance update process.


Board County of El Dorado Board of Supervisors
CEQA California Environmental Quality Act
DEIR Draft Environmental Impact Report
EDAC Economic Development Advisory Committee
LUPPU Land Use Policy Programmatic Update
NOP Notice of Preparation
PC Planning Commission
RFP Request for Proposal
ROI Resolution of Intention