Supporting Documents
The documents below are in PDF format and should be viewed with Adobe Reader.
Public Hearing Notice for TGPA-ZOU Final EIR(PDF, 31KB) - Posted 8-6-2015
TGPA-ZOU Project Fact Sheet(PDF, 669KB) - 6-30-2014
Resolutions of Intention (ROI)
- ROI 182-2011(PDF, 978KB) adopted 11/14/2011 to Amend the General Plan (Note: This ROI supersedes ROI 274-2008, 110-2009 and 179-2010)
- ROI 183-2011(PDF, 1MB) adopted 11/14/2011 for a Comprehensive Update of the Zoning Ordinance
- ROI 184-2011(PDF, 707KB) adopted 11/14/2011 for a Comprehensive Update of the Zoning Ordinance to include residential and recreational uses on TPZ land
- ROI 051-2011(PDF, 52KB) adopted 04/04/2011 to Amend the General Plan
- ROI 013-2011(PDF, 516KB) adopted 1/25/2011 to Amend Agricultural District Boundaries
- ROI 179-2010(PDF, 631KB) adopted 12/7/2010 to Amend Zoning Map to add historic design control combining zone district in El Dorado/Diamond Springs
- ROI 110-2009(PDF, 187KB) adopted 5/19/2009 to Amend the General Plan relating to Community Regions and Rural Centers in the Camino-Pollock Pines area
- ROI 274-2008(PDF, 700KB) adopted 10/7/2008 to Amend General Plan Land Use Element policies relating to mandatory open space and planned developments
- ROI 44-2008(PDF, 57KB) adopted 2/12/2008 to Update the Zoning Ordinance
- ROI 2006-04(PDF, 29KB) to amend General Plan policies to provide flexibility to meet housing needs - Adopted 8/10/2006
Other Documents