Responsible use on the Rubicon Trail is mandatory. The County is enforcing “Pack-it-In …. Pack-it-Out.” For your sanitation solution, the County recommends the use of the Wag Bag®. The WAG BAG® is an easy-to-use disposal waste bag. Use WAG BAG® under toilets to collect waste, then simply throw the bio-degradable bag away.

Each WAG BAG® is pre-loaded with a non-toxic Pooh-Powder™ which gels waste, catalyzes decay, and removes odors. Wag Bag® kits are bio-degradable and can simply be thrown into a garbage can or landfill. Each WAG BAG® kit comes with a waste bag containing Pooh-Powder™, toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and an outer zip-close disposable bag.


  • Open it
  • Hang it from toilet seat
  • Use it
  • Zip it
  • Toss it

It is that easy and can be used in any application where there is no water, in-pit holes, motor homes, portable toilets … the possibilities are endless. The rewards will be great! With the WAG BAG® it is easy to exercise responsible waste disposal at all times.

For a limited time (while they last) you can try the WAG BAG® system by picking up your free WAG BAG® at the following locations:

  • Crystal View Station (6529 Pony Express Trail, Pollock Pines, CA)
  • Fresh Pond Trading Post (7720 Hwy 50, Pollock Pines, CA)
  • Icehouse Resort (Icehouse Road)
  • Uncle Tom’s Cabin
  • Loon Lake Kiosk (weekends only)

It’s the RIGHT thing to do!