In This Section
Outpatient Clinic: Individualized services are provided to adults 18 years and older who meet the criteria for Specialty Mental Health Services by an multidisciplinary team of qualified and compassionate professionals, including Psychiatrists, Nurses, Mental Health Clinicians, Substance Use Disorder Staff, and Mental Health Workers/Aides. Services may include screening and assessments, referrals, medical evaluation, co-occurring assessment and treatment groups, individual, group, family and case management services.
Wellness Center: The Wellness Centers provide a welcoming environment free of stigma, where clients and community members can socialize and gain a variety of personal skills, including cooking and meal preparation, peer support and groups that focus on managing behavioral health symptoms. Wellness Centers are located at our office sites in Diamond Springs and South Lake Tahoe.
Intensive Case Management (ICM): Intensive outpatient mental health services are provided by a multidisciplinary team that consists of Mental Health Clinicians, Mental Health Workers/Aides, Psychiatric Technician, and Resource Specialist. The customized array of services provided are designed to prevent hospitalization, and assist individuals in attaining a life that does not revolve around their mental health diagnosis. The ICM Team also provides support and services to people living in any of the four Transitional Houses on the West Slope and one Transitional Houses in South Lake Tahoe.
Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT): AOT services provide for limited term, court-ordered outpatient mental health treatment for individuals who meet strict criteria as defined by State law. The individual must be 18 years of age or older, have a severe and chronic mental illness, and have a history of non-compliance with mental health treatment. Additionally, at least twice within the last 36 months, the individual must have been hospitalized due to their mental illness or in a mental health unit of a State or local correctional facility (excluding the most recent event), or the individual's mental illness has resulted in one or more acts of serious and violent behavior toward himself or herself or another, or threats, or attempts to cause serious physical harm to himself or herself or another within the last 48 months. Referrals may be made by family, household members, medical and mental health providers, community based organizations, hospitals, law enforcement, or a Superior Court judge. Individuals in the AOT program are provided with ICM-level services, however the program cannot require medications to be taken or involuntary hospitalizations. The AOT Referral Form(PDF, 726KB) can be submitted to the Health and Human Services Agency Behavioral Health Division via email at, via fax to (530) 303-1526, or via mail to EDC HHSA, ATTN: AOT Team, 768 Pleasant Valley Road, Suite 201, Diamond Springs, CA 95619.
Please call (530) 621-6290 for questions about services.