MHSA Plans

The Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) requires counties to complete an annual community planning process to either develop a three-year plan or update a three-year plan. MHSA Plans and Updates are posted for a 30-day comment period. At the end of the comment period, the Mental Health Commission holds a public hearing to solicit additional input. The final step in the process is adoption of the Plan or Plan Update by the Board of Supervisors.

FY Documents Posted for 30-day Comment Period 30-Day Comment Period Ends Public Hearing Board of Supervisors Meeting
FY 2024-25
FY 24-25 MHSA Annual Update(PDF, 4MB)
MHSA Outcomes Reporting FY 22-23(PDF, 4MB)
1/12/2024 2/12/2024 02/21/2024 Approved
FY 2023-24
FY 23/24 MHSA Plan Amendment(PDF, 693KB)
11/15/2023 12/15/2023 N/A Approved
FY 2023-24
FY 23-26 MHSA Three-Year Plan(PDF, 7MB)
MHSA Outcomes Reporting FY 21-22(PDF, 3MB)
Cultural Competency Plan FY 22-23(PDF, 870KB)
03/07/2023 04/07/2023
5:00 p.m.
04/19/2023 5:00 p.m. Approved
FY 2022-23
FY 22-23 MHSA Annual Update(PDF, 3MB)
MHSA Outcomes Reporting FY 20-21(PDF, 7MB)
FY 22-23 Suicide Prevention Strategic Plan(PDF, 3MB)
06/13/2022 07/12/2022
at 5:00 p.m.
at 5:00 p.m.
8/30/2022(PDF, 155KB)

FY 2021-22
FY 21-22 MHSA Annual Update(PDF, 3MB)
MHSA Outcomes Reporting Year FY 19-20(PDF, 8MB)
Cultural Competence Plan FY 21-22(PDF, 4MB)
4/17/2021 5/18/2020
at 5:00 p.m.
at 5:00 p.m.
FY 2020-21
FY 20-21 MHSA Three-Year Plan(PDF, 5MB)
Outcomes - Reporting Year FY 2018-19(PDF, 4MB)
Cultural Competence Plan FY 20-21(PDF, 4MB)
4/13/2020 5/13/2020
at 5:00 p.m.
at 5:00 p.m.
FY 2019-20
FY 19-20 Annual Update, including Innovation(PDF, 2MB)
Outcomes - Reporting Year FY 2017-18(PDF, 2MB)
4/19/2019 5/19/2019 5/22/2019 and 6/12/2019 Approved
FY 2018-19
FY 18-19 Annual Update(PDF, 1MB)
FY 18-19 Outcomes(PDF, 2MB)
4/18/2018 Extended to: 6/3/2018
(Originally 5/18/2018)
6/4/2018 Approved
FY 2017-18
FY 17-18 Three-Year Plan(PDF, 2MB)
FY 17-18 Outcomes(PDF, 1MB)
4/17/2017 5/17/2017 5/24/2017 Approved
FY 2016-17
Adopted FY 2016-17 MHSA Plan Update(PDF, 1MB)
FY 2016-17 MHSA Plan Update - Additional Attachments(PDF, 5MB)
FY 2016-17 MHSA Plan Update - Programs and Projects(PDF, 2MB)

Annual Reports
Annual Innovation Program and Evaluation Report, Reporting Year FY 2016-17(PDF, 248KB)
Annual Prevention and Early Intervention Program and Evaluation Report, Reporting Year FY 2016-17(PDF, 1MB)
4/21/2016 5/23/2016 5/25/2016 Approved

Plans from Prior Years

Plan Posted for 30-day Comment Period 30-Day Comment Period Ends Public Hearing Board of Supervisors Meeting
Adopted FY 2015-16 MHSA Plan Update(PDF, 2MB)
FY 2015-16 MHSA Programs and Projects(PDF, 2MB)
6/15/2015 7/15/2015 7/22/2015 Approved
Adopted FY 14/15 MHSA Plan(PDF, 2MB) 6/9/2014 7/9/2014 7/16/2014 8/26/2014
Final FY 13/14 MHSA Plan(PDF, 2MB) 9/30/2013 10/30/201 10/30/2013 12/10/2013
Final FY 12/13 MHSA Plan(PDF, 642KB) 4/26/2013 5/28/2013 6/26/2013 7/23/2013