Explorer Program

Explorer Program

The El Dorado County Sheriff's Office offers a Law Enforcement Explorer Post to youths in the community! Post 457 meets every Wednesday at 5:30 PM for 3 hours of law enforcement training. The explorer program is part of Learning for Life's career education program for young men and women who are 15 (maybe 14 if you have completed the eighth grade) through 21 years old.

The purpose of the Sheriff's office Explorer program is to help youths pursue their special interest in Law Enforcement. The El Dorado County Sheriff Office Explorer Post 457 provides a variety of law enforcement support functions to the community, including traffic control assistance, parking and crowd control, and crime prevention activities. Explorers Post 457 also receive many hours of law enforcement training from El Dorado County Sheriff's Office personnel. The Post receives insight relating to the functions of the Sheriff's Office.

In addition to training, the Explorer Post provides a variety of services that are invaluable to the community. During 2021, members volunteered at 38 events around El Dorado County for a combined 1,431 volunteer hours. Service and training go hand in hand for Post 457.

All advisors to the Explorer program are El Dorado County Sheriff's Office employees who have a desire to be actively involved in the mentoring and development of future law enforcement personnel.

If you are interested in becoming a Sheriff's Explorer, please contact one of the below Advisors via email or phone for the location of the next Explorer meeting!

Explorers Honor Guard Explorers Training Grace Training Explorer Award Ceremony `

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